“We’re Beating a Dead Horse and We Never Get Any Further”

“We’re Beating a Dead Horse and We Never Get Any Further”

Such was Sun developer Terrence Barr’s lament Tuesday night when he asked his Birds of a Feather session participants if they agreed with his portrayal of the arduous and frustrating road mobile developers traverse when trying to get their apps to the market.

“The playing field is heavily tilted towards the established players and companies,” says Barr. “Many decisions were made by individual companies with their own business plans, etc. but they didn’t think about the effect on the larger ecosystem. And now they need the “interesting content” and they need developers, who need a foot in the door.”

Barr and mobile consultant Sean Sheedy have had enough and they think it’s time to get organized.

Tuesday night, Barr (a Sun developer) and Sheedy (an independent wireless consultant) scheduled their Birds of a Feather session to gauge community interest in the formation of a Mobile Developer’s Alliance. Their intention is for the alliance to be a mitigating influence on the sometimes short-sighted industry decisions made by carriers, manufacturers, etc. that are primarily based on business interests rather than technical efficacy.   

As throughout history, whenever rabble-rousers ply their trade, their idea(s) are met with agreement in principle, but with less enthusiasm when it comes to actual commitment. Most of the participants’ comments seemed to focus that hesitancy on concerns about strategy.

However, because Barr and Sheedy seem committed to making their alliance a community effort, they were unwilling to lay out any but the most basic steps: gauging interest, compiling a list of grievances, and planning action items.

Do you think developers need a collective voice in the mobile ecosystem? Check out their nacsent web site nascent website for more information: https://mobiledeveloperalliance.dev.java.net




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