Continuous Integration is Critical

Continuous Integration is Critical

Developing software requires planning for change, continuously observing the results, immediate feedback, and incrementally course correcting based on the results. Startups are commonly plagued by the following problems: ???Lack of cohesive, deployable software ??? Late defect discovery ??? Low-quality software ??? Lack of project visibility Continuous Integration consists of the fundamental pillars of software development. It operates using a consistent and repeatable build process, reducing the precious development hours wastefully spent needlessly hunting down problems that should not exist. Cloud-hosted Circle Continuous Integration and code testing as-a-service tool bring value in the form of firmly supporting Ruby and Rails, Python, Node.js, and PHP languages, reduced risks in all areas of production, deployable software capability at any time and at any place, and enhanced project visibility. By freeing people from repetitive manual processes, such as code compilation, database integration, testing, and inspection, to do more higher-value work with the immediate feedback produced by automating CI, development teams have greater confidence in their software. CircleCI integrates then runs tests and inspections whenever there are changes introduced; such as when the code is checked into the version control repository. These practices improve chances that defects are discovered early, rather than during late in the development cycle; reducing risks on your project and ensuring coding and design standard are being kept. Health of software is measurable by incorporating continuous testing and inspection into the automated integration process and tracking software complexity over time. CI provides the ability to notice trends in build success or failure, defect, and feature completion rates with live view artifacts.Stringent design standards are ensured by rebuilding and testing software in a clean environment using the same process and scripts and by accounting for third-party libraries or environment variables. CircleCI is working to add the ability to slide your tests across 64 different machines. This fixes a vast majority of the problems experienced with parallel testing. To clients and users, deployable software is the most tangible benefit with CircleCI. As small changes are made to the source code, CircleCI integrates these changes with the rest of the code base on a regular basis. Project members are immediately informed and are able to apply fixes to the software when problems occur. The benefits of continuous integration are multifold. CircleCI automatically splits your tests and run them across many VMs, allowing you to run them many (up to 40x) faster, supports a broad set of technologies including as many as 40 different rubies and 15 different databases. CircleCi also supports live build artifacts, so you can view and save results from your build. These are just some of the benefits of CircleCI, no matter what continuous integration platform you choose, your code will be shipped quicker and cleaner than before with to continuous integration practices.For more information please visit


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