SF’s Neo Innovation targets telematics and the connected car, autonomous car, and M2M (machine to machine) technologies.

SF’s Neo Innovation targets telematics and the connected car, autonomous car, and M2M (machine to machine) technologies.

New Context Services, a freshly minted division of Neo Innovation, has forged an alliance with Guardtime to focus where data integrity intersects with telematics and the connected car, autonomous car, M2M (machine to machine) technologies, and more as the world evolves. With this new venture, San Francisco-based New Context will exclusively work with Guardtime???s technology, providing new products and applications based on Guardtime???s Keyless Signature Infrastructure (KSI) with training, certification, verification and qualifications. As noted by industry veteran and co-founder of Digital Garage Joi Ito: ???Guardtime???s technology is a crucial and critical step for the future of data security. Both an individual???s privacy and international data protection are going to be reliant on commercial organizations staying vigilant in the protection and assurance of all data.???Daniel Riedel, CEO of Neo Innovations, adds, ???We created New Context Services as a new division focused on providing world class systems automation, security architecture and Information assurance. As we did with Neo Innovations, we have brought together the best minds in the industry to lead this effort.??? Link to release: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20130918006579/en/Guardtime-Announces-Alliance-Deliver-Authenticated-Data


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