
October 1, 1996

Creating File Dialogs

Question: I am a beginer in Visual Basic 3.0. I am trying to make a “Text Editor” program.Can you tell mehow to make “save” and “open” menus (using dialog box)I

Adding Icons to System Tray

Question: Is is at all possible to create a VB 3.0 applicationto place itself on Win95’s system tray?or does it *have* to be 32 bit (vb4.0) ?If so, how? Answer:

Reliable File Writing

Question: I have a DOS-based application (QB4.5) which has been running for some years and I have now updated it to Visual Basic. The application handles several async serial ports

Placing Windows on Screen

Question: I am trying to figure out exactly how to get mywindow to center itself no matter what the resolution of the screen is that it is beingdisplayed on is.

InputBox Function: Type Mismatch Errors

Question: I have written a small program that calculates geometry problems. I have used input boxes to retreive data from the keyboard, however during runtime if I click the cancel

Running Strictly from CD-ROM

Question: My question was in regards to installation. I would like to know if it is possible to run a VB program right from a floppy or CDROM without installing

Embedding Variable Values

Question: I am writing a program that searches a database and i am trying to use avariable for the WHERE clause. Can you Help me? here is an example:Data1.RecordSource =

Adding Scrollbars

Question: How do I add scrollbars to a picture box control?i.e I want to be able to scroll through a picture box which containsmore than one screen of graphic and

Passing Arrays to Functions

Question: How can I pass my array to function as parameter? Answer: A declaration would be as follows:Sub Foo (ArrayVar() as String * 4)The call to it would be as