
October 1, 1996

Advantages/Disadvantages of Using Sub Main

Question: Can you please tell me when do you use Sub Main and the advantages of using it? Answer: In certain programs, initialization code has to run before any windows

Including Single Quotes in Queries

Question: How do you include a single quotation mark in a query?Example:“Select * From BATCH Where BATCH.NAME = ‘O’Connel’” Answer: Simply replace the single quote with two single quotes together.

Creating Nested Queries

Question: My question is with regards to VB’s ability to handle complexSQL. I have the application I am developing set up in the followingway: I copy the SQL created into

Binding to a Database

Question: Is it possible to bind a cell in a grid with a database field (as we can do for text boxes and some other controls)? Answer: In VB3, the

Generating Special HTML Tags

Question: I am trying to use Print# statements to create an HTMLtext file and VB3 that I am using keeps interpreting the HTML characters as Data Types and operators saying

Application Finding VBXs and DLLs

Question: I have created a VB executable file and now want to distribute it to users. I want this executable to reside on our network drive. The problem that I

Using GROUP BY Clause

Question: I am writing a Lottery Simulator, I have a database which contains seven fields, each field of each record contains a number from 1 to 49. I am looking

Checking for Existence of a File

Question: How do you check to see if the name of a file you want to RENAME a file to already exists? Answer: Here is a great example of how

Saving Window Changes When Unloading

Question: How do you save the choices when changing forms and shutting down the program. Do I have to use a module to store the changes? Answer: If you have