
June 26, 1998

Application Start Directory

Question: My application is started by clicking an icon with a TARGET of “\itgcssd1sgrsv3.0132sgrs.exe” and a START IN directory of “c:winnt”. Is there any way to determine the TARGET location

Context-sensitive help

Question: When a user wants to find help on a column that has focus, I want that user to be able to hit F1, and help to be displayed based

PB 16-bit or 32-bit under PB4

Question: I have PB 4.0 installed under Windows NT. How do I tell if it is 16-bit or 32-bit PB? Answer: You can check the environment object for an ostype

Debugger breakpoint mismatch

Question: We have installed Powerbuilder 6.0.0. and have migrated applications. The application is working OK, but I am having a problem with the debugger. When I put a “break point”

Find if directory exists

Question: We would like to find out if a directory that was typed exists. Furthermore, we prefer not to use a list box control or getFileOpenName. Answer: To do this

Record date/time when updating record

Question: I’m using PB6.0 with Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0. I would like to be able to record the date and time in my table(s) whenever a user updates or adds

Powerscript – Mouse

Question: How do you get the position of the mouse pointer (x- and y-cordinates) in a script? Answer: Use the PointerX() and PointerY() functions.