Thrilling Rise of Automation in Vegas

Thrilling Rise of Automation in Vegas

Vegas Automation

Workers in Las Vegas are witnessing firsthand the effects of automation and technology in their workplace, as the city makes adjustments to its service-oriented tourism economy. As artificial intelligence (AI) gains prominence, Las Vegas is both welcoming robots that pour drinks and expressing concerns about the future job market. In this rapidly changing landscape, employees are finding themselves in a delicate balance between embracing the efficiency and convenience offered by automation and fearing the potential loss of jobs in the long run. The city is grappling with the challenge of integrating this technological advancement while ensuring job security and stability for its workforce, a task that will require innovative solutions and adaptability from all stakeholders involved.

Las Vegas’ Transition to Automated Services

Inside Planet Hollywood on the Las Vegas strip, a bar has two robots serving drinks to patrons. The Tipsy Robot, which opened a second venue this year, showcases the city’s transition towards automated services. Hotel check-in booths, text-bot concierges, and food-serving robots are progressively becoming commonplace. As technology continues to develop at a rapid pace, Las Vegas embraces the change and integrates cutting-edge advancements into its service industries. From casinos to restaurants, these new automations have the potential to shape the future of tourism in the area, offering a unique experience to visitors and streamlining operations for businesses.

Preparing the Workforce for the Future

Research estimates that by 2035, as much as 65% of Las Vegas jobs may become automated. As a result, the city’s economy is approaching a critical juncture, with businesses turning to technology to reduce labor expenses. This increasing reliance on automation will significantly transform the workforce, demanding workers to adapt and acquire new skills for the emerging job market. Furthermore, Las Vegas must proactively implement retraining programs and support services to ensure the smooth transition of its workforce into new, technologically-driven opportunities, minimizing the negative impact on employment rates.

Diversifying the Las Vegas Economy

John Restrepo, a principal at RCG Economics, contends that Las Vegas should diversify its economy to minimize reliance on tourism and hospitality, concentrating on professions that demand highly skilled and AI-immune employees. As the city moves towards a more stable, sustainable growth model, incorporating industries such as technology, healthcare, and renewable energy can help to create a more robust economic ecosystem. By investing in workforce retraining and educational programs, Las Vegas can cultivate a more diverse talent pool, ultimately attracting new employers and fortifying the local economy against future uncertainties.

Culinary Union’s Role in Safeguarding Workers

Nevada’s largest union, the Culinary Union, represents 60,000 service and hospitality workers in Las Vegas and Reno. The union intends to negotiate new agreements later this year, which will feature safeguards against AI replacing positions. These safeguards aim to protect the jobs of their members as technology advances and the potential for AI integration in the industry increases. The union will continue to advocate for its workers, ensuring that their rights are upheld and long-term job security is maintained despite the rise of automation.

Negotiating Contracts and Addressing AI concerns

Ted Pappageorge, the union’s secretary-treasurer, cautions that the union is prepared to strike over AI when negotiating the new contract. However, Pappageorge emphasizes that the ultimate goal of negotiating the contract is to ensure fair treatment for workers and reach a resolution that benefits all parties involved. The union is hopeful that engaging in constructive dialogue with the employers will lead to a satisfactory agreement that addresses the concerns surrounding AI and its impact on the workforce.

Adapting to the Changing Market and Skills Development

The course of future contracts will depend on ensuring that any remaining jobs remain attainable for workers. Adapting to changing market needs and staying relevant in an era of rapid digital transformation will be key for those in the workforce. Employers and educational institutions play a crucial role in providing continuous learning and skill development opportunities to meet these evolving demands.


What is the impact of automation on the Las Vegas workforce?

Automation and technology are transforming the service-oriented tourism economy in Las Vegas. Workers are experiencing both the efficiency and convenience of automated services, as well as concerns over the potential loss of jobs in the long run. The city is working to find a balance between adopting innovative technology and ensuring job security for its workforce.

How is Las Vegas transitioning to automated services?

Las Vegas is embracing technology by integrating robots and automations in various service industries, such as bars, hotel check-in booths, text-bot concierges, and food-serving robots. This transition offers unique experiences to visitors and streamlines operations for businesses, shaping the future of tourism in the area.

What steps must be taken to prepare the workforce for the future?

To minimize the negative impact of automation on employment, Las Vegas should implement retraining programs, support services, and invest in workforce education. This will help workers adapt and acquire the new skills needed to thrive in an increasingly technology-driven job market.

How can the Las Vegas economy be diversified?

Diversifying the Las Vegas economy by focusing on industries that demand highly skilled and AI-immune employees (such as technology, healthcare, and renewable energy) can lead to more stable and sustainable growth. Investing in workforce retraining and education will attract new employers and create a more robust economic ecosystem.

What is the Culinary Union’s role in safeguarding workers?

The Culinary Union, Nevada’s largest union, is working to negotiate agreements that protect workers from being replaced by AI technologies. They advocate for their members to ensure their rights are upheld and job security is maintained as automation becomes more prevalent in the industry.

How are contracts being negotiated to address AI concerns?

The Culinary Union is prepared to strike over AI when negotiating new contracts but aims to reach a fair resolution that benefits all parties involved. Constructive dialogue with employers is crucial for addressing concerns surrounding AI and its impact on the workforce.

What is the key for workers adapting to the changing market?

Staying relevant in an era of rapid digital transformation is essential for workers. Employers and educational institutions play a vital role in providing continuous learning and skill development opportunities that allow workers to adapt and meet the evolving demands of the job market.

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Featured Image Credit: Photo by Ameer Basheer; Unsplash – Thank you!


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