

OpenStack’s Death Knell

The furor over CloudScaling’s acting CEO Randy Bias’s call for OpenStack to do an about-face and support Amazon’s APIs has only intensified since I called for a hypermedia-based Cloud meta-API.

Yet Another Agile Architecture Gotcha

I’ve already discussed in an article and a blog post the difference between the Agile enterprise architecture I write about in my book, The Agile Architecture Revolution, and the Agile

Fear the Insider Threat

When you hire an employee, especially one with a sensitive role like a system administrator, what kind of background checks do you perform? Typical organizations will check candidates’ criminal records

Beware the Frankenstein of the Cloud

Today’s announcement that Puppet Labs acquired Cloudsmith, coupled with other recent acquisitions in the Cloud space, including IBM’s pickup of SoftLayer, CenturyLink absorbing AppFog, and Aspect Software’s deal for Voxeo

Getting Tangled in the Cloud

One of my clients is a large US Government agency. As with all agencies, the Government’s Cloud First initiative is pushing them to move to the Cloud. The reasoning is

The Only Foolproof Cybersecurity Solution

There’s an old IT joke that the only truly secure computer is broken, powered down, disconnected from the network, in a locked room, with no key. And as with all

Why Cloud Conferences Will Be Obsolete in 2 Years

I’ve spoken at several Cloud conferences over the last couple of years, including the recent Informa Cloud World Forum, UBM CloudConnect, Sys-Con Cloud Computing Expo, and several others. And while