

Zombie BPM

This week I attended the bpmNEXT Conference in California. Unlike virtually every other conference I?ve ever attended, this one attracted Business Process Management (BPM) vendors and analysts, but not customers

Playing the Digital Transformation Game

In a recent article for ComputerWorld, Howard Baldwin took a well-deserved poke at leading consulting punditocracy for pushing ?Digital Transformation? on their customers. You must build a ?digital industrial economy?

In-Your-Face Agile

All developers these days are familiar with the second statement in the Agile Manifesto: customer collaboration over contract negotiation. You?re on the same team as your customer or stakeholder, the

Waiting for the Perfect API

To get REST right, you need HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State). And to get HATEOAS right, you need hypermedia-rich data formats that support flexible media types. Problem

Breaking Down Enterprise Silos in the Cloud

Are you recreating existing technology silos in the Cloud? If so, your entire enterprise investment in the Cloud is at risk. From the perspective of IT, organizational silos seem to