One Third of Top-Grossing iPhone Apps Are Free

One Third of Top-Grossing iPhone Apps Are Free

The list of the top 100 grossing iPhone apps includes 34 free apps that make their money through in-app purchases. This so-called “freemium” model has rapidly grown in popularity since Apple first made it a possibility a little over a year ago. In January, the top 50 apps included just 2 that used the freemium model, but now about 20 of the top 50 offer in-app purchases.


According to Remco van den Elzen, co-founder of analytics firm Distimo, in-app purchases now account for approximately 30 percent of iPhone App Store revenue. “We’re seeing more developers implement more in app-purchases especially with games,” he said. “Freemium Apps are also picking up significantly. A lot of developers realize it’s a successful model.”

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