Git Hacking: A Social Layer for GitHub

Git Hacking: A Social Layer for GitHub

A startup called “Git Hacking” won the Philly Startup Weekend competition with a plan to add social networking to GitHub. With 1.6 million repositories and over 560,000 users, GitHub is very popular, but the sheer number of projects can make it difficult for project owners to recruit developers. “For developers, we’re about connecting them to projects that they’ll likely be interested in contributing to; these projects may or may not be most forked or trending. For maintainers, we’re about finding developers to fill the needs of their projects,” explains Git Hacking co-founder Chris Baglieri. “Open sourcing is step one, promoting and keeping traction can be tough. We want to arm maintainers with more to help accomplish this.”


After the site was launched Sunday afternoon, Git Hacking signed up 400 users in just an hour and a half.

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