Microsoft Rolls Out Casablanca C++ Library for the Cloud

Microsoft Rolls Out Casablanca C++ Library for the Cloud

Microsoft has announced the release of Casablanca, a new set of C++ libraries aimed making it easier to consume and implement RESTful services. In a blog post, Microsoft’s Soma Somasegar explained, “Casablanca is a Microsoft incubation effort to support cloud-based client-server communication in native code using a modern asynchronous C++ API design.” He added that the new tool “builds on lessons from .NET, from Node.js, from Erlang, and from other influencers to create a modern model that is meant to be easy to program while still being scalable, composable, and flexible.”

Casablanca supports Vista, Windows 7 and the Windows 8 Consumer Preview, and it includes a Visual Studio extension. Interestingly, however, the libraries don’t yet include support for Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing platform.

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