IBM Launches DevOps Innovation Services, BlueMix Dedicated

IBM Launches DevOps Innovation Services, BlueMix Dedicated

IBM has made two new announcements that could be of interest to enterprise application development teams. First, the company is offering DevOps Innovation Services, which inlcudes advice and tools for organizations that are implementing DevOps practices.

Second, the company announced a new private, on-premise version of its BlueMix cloud development platform. Called BlueMix Dedicated, it will include database, data caching and messaging services, as well as a set of runtimes. “IBM is also smartly making [Bluemix] offerings available in private cloud settings for on-premises deployment because for the foreseeable future there is a big opportunity for enterprises to leverage this cloud-enabled assets in their own data centers” said IDC analyst Al Hilwa. “It is interesting to see how the company is choosing to offer selected hybrid offerings where the opportunity makes sense.”


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