OpenStack Juno Adds Hadoop Support

OpenStack Juno Adds Hadoop Support

OpenStack has officially released its tenth major update to its popular open source cloud computing software, codenamed Juno. The new release primarily fixes bugs in OpenStack, but it does include one major new feature: Sahara, a big data tool which supports Hadoop and Apache Spark applications.

Other new features in Juno include Swift 2.0 cloud storage polices, better IPv6 support and a rescue mode called OpenStack Compute (Nova). According to OpenStack, “The Juno release contains numerous updates and enhancements that make it easier to build, operate, scale and upgrade OpenStack clouds. Compute components allow easier upgrades with less impact to the applications users are running, and include an additional driver for managing bare metal hardware directly. There were also significant updates to metering and monitoring capabilities that provide faster and more efficient performance.”

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