Elon Musk’s xAI building Nvidia-powered supercomputer

Elon Musk’s xAI building Nvidia-powered supercomputer

xAI Supercomputer

Elon Musk’s AI startup, xAI, is building a supercomputer powered by Nvidia’s chip technology to enhance its operations.

Musk’s announcement caused Nvidia shares to rise by 3.2% in pre-market trading, representing another substantial order for the company and highlighting the growing demand for AI investment in the tech industry. xAI has also partnered with Oracle for access to data centers and computing chips.

Enhancing AI with Nvidia technology

Oracle recently signed a new cloud computing infrastructure deal with Nvidia, planning to increase capital spending in the coming year.

The excitement around Nvidia’s AI chips extends to other major players in the chip-making industry, such as AMD, Intel, and Qualcomm, which are all seeing gains in their stock prices. The collaboration between xAI and Nvidia shows the strategic moves companies are making to improve their AI capabilities. As AI remains a key investment area for many large corporations, the demand for advanced chip technology stays strong.


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