Internet Archive faces major DDoS attacks

Internet Archive faces major DDoS attacks

Archive DDoS

The nonprofit Internet Archive and its Wayback Machine have been under attack since Sunday. The ongoing cyber attacks have caused major problems for users trying to access the site’s cached web pages.

The actual data in the Internet Archive is still safe. But the attacks have made it hard for people to use the site and get to the content they need.

Brewster Kahle, who started the Internet Archive, said the attacks are serious. They are “sustained, impactful, targeted, adaptive” and seem to be part of a bigger effort to hurt online libraries.

Kahle said they are working to make the site’s defenses stronger.

Internet Archive under heavy attack

This will help keep the library available for everyone.

He also said it’s important to support resources like the Internet Archive and fight against unfair actions that target them. The Wayback Machine is a big deal because it saves copies of websites over time.

This is useful for research and keeping people accountable. Right now, no one knows for sure who is behind the attacks or why they are happening.

But the Internet Archive is staying focused on its mission. They want to keep their digital library up and running for the public.

The attacks have people talking about how important the Internet Archive is today. Lots of folks are showing their support for the nonprofit.

They know it plays a key role in preserving our digital history and making it available to everyone.


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