Leica LUX app brings signature style to iPhone

Leica LUX app brings signature style to iPhone

LUX iPhone

Leica has launched a new iPhone app called Leica LUX that brings the iconic camera company’s signature style and lens simulations to mobile photography. The app offers a range of features designed to emulate the look and feel of Leica cameras. Leica LUX includes 11 color profiles, known as “Leica Looks,” which mimic the aesthetics of current Leica cameras and classic film.

Users can also take advantage of the app’s “Aperture mode,” which uses software to replicate the depth of field and style of expensive Leica lenses like the Summilux-M 35mm f/1.4 ASPH and the Noctilux-M 50mm f/1.2 ASPH. While the basic version of Leica LUX is free and includes five color profiles and one lens simulation, accessing the full suite of features requires a subscription priced at $6.99 per month or $69.99 per year. The premium features include additional color profiles, lens simulations, and manual exposure controls.

Early tests of a prerelease beta version of the app showed a user-friendly interface with controls for exposure compensation and a live histogram.

Leica style meets iPhone photography

The app can also integrate photos from existing Leica cameras into its gallery for easy management and editing.

However, some limitations have been noted. The portrait and lens simulation modes have received mixed reviews, with some color profiles appearing overly filtered and simulated bokeh effects sometimes producing noticeable artifacts. There are also some compatibility issues between Leica LUX and Apple’s native camera software that can inadvertently apply unwanted effects to photos.

Leica’s foray into the app space is part of a broader strategy to offer subscription-based services to its dedicated user base, though previous attempts have met with some resistance. Despite its initial flaws, Leica LUX introduces intriguing features for those looking to bring a Leica-inspired experience to their iPhone photography. With further updates and refinements, the app has the potential to become a valuable tool for photography enthusiasts.


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