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Creating a Sorted List

Question: I am creating a touch screen directory for a hospital. All of departments are listed in alphabetic order as a button which, when pressed displays a map of the

Checking for Cancel in Loop

Question: I have started using VB3 yesterday to do a small project. I use Access normally. I wish to set use one button to initiate a loop and another button

Available Network APIs

Question: I would like to know if I could obtain a listingof the functions in the netapi.dll file and howto declare them in VB. It would be mostappreciated. Answer: The

Highlighting Multiple Items in a ListView Control

Question: I’m creating an email application and I require the ability to highlightall the items in the ListView control (not just the first item) in thesame fashion as Microsoft Exchange

Declaring Variables as Object Types

Question: The version of VB doesn’t matter…anyway. How is it possible to create an object in vbscript if you can’t Dim something ‘As’ something? In creating a page, I am

Creating a Splash Screen

Question: I also want to know how to create a title screen, then give it a delay to wait load the program…sort of how windows loads (first you see the

Changing Date Format

Question: I am having trouble saving dates into an Access 1.1 DateTime field. The aplication I am writing is for the European market, so international dates are a problem as

Using Basic File Input/Output

Question: Do you know of any plans to include basic I/O in VBSCript ? I could make my site a lot more efficient if I could send a text file

Finding the End of a Word

Question: I am new to VB and must learn it by yesterday! I am working with text strings and must figure out how to pull words from a line by

Calculating Elapsed Time

Question: Do you know an algorithm that will give me the elapsed time froma beginning and end date/times (day:hh:mm:ss)? Answer: The DateDiff function, included with VB 3 and 4, will

Using Registry Editing Functions

Question: How do I get VB to edit the registry inruntime? Answer: The easiest way, assuming you’re in VB 4.0 and using Win95, is to use the GetSetting and SaveSetting

Checking for NULL Values

Question: When you read a string from a character field in a snapshot/dynaset you can append a pair of double quotes to protect yourself from “Type mismatch” errors, if the

Deleting Control Code

Question: How do I delete a control AND the corresponding code? Answer: When a control is deleted, the code is listed in the (general) section in the Procedures drop-down list

Detecting Combo Box List Retraction

Question: How would you detect the Retraction of a Combo Box Dropdown List in VB 4.0? I have asolution which claims to work under VB 3.0 andVB 2.0 using the

Copying Controls and Code

Question: Is there a way to easily copy all theevent code for a control from one form to another or even within thesame form. As an example I have a

Executing Programs Stored in Variables

Question: Is it possible to store a MS-DOS pathname in avariable, and run the program at that path withthe shell command? Answer: The Shell command can be given a string

Databound Providing Partial Matching

Question: I’m trying to create a DBCombo function on a form which operates similar to MS Access’s ComboBox. As the user types in an entry, character by character, the DBCombo’s

Printing to MS-DOS Window

Question: I would like to create a module that has no visual objects. It just prints to a MS-DOS window and then exits. Is this possible? Answer: Unfortunately, the only

Saving a Picture to Disk

Question: I am able to use the API call ExtractIcon to get an icon from a .VBX, .EXE, or .DLL. I can put the icon in a Picture Control, but

Changing RecordSource at Runtime

Question: At runtime, how do I change the query that I’m using with my data controls to be one a user selected? I don’t want to keep the same name

Accessing Properties

Question: How do you access a Public Property in a class module from an in-project module? For example:In a new project create one class module; “Class1” and one bas module;

Incompatible Version Errors

Question: I know that there is a fix needed in order to use VB 3.0 and Microsoft Access 2.0. I have downloaded the file COMLYR.EXE and have run it. I

Simulating Click Event

Question: How can I have a combo box “combo1” execute another combo boxs “combo2” procedure click ? Answer: Doing this action this way can have some messy side effects. I

Computing Future Value

Question: I am trying to make a financial calculator that will compute Future Value,but I don’t know how to write code for compounded interest. Answer: I believe you want to

Event-Oriented Programming

Question: What’s the meaning of “event oriented programing?” Answer: Basically, it means that you program everything as a response to an event, instead of a topdown program where the ordering

Expanding Functionality

Question: Our firm would like to integrate our Configuration Management tool into VB. I understand some vendors outside of Microsoft have suceeded in adding links to their product via a

Installing all Files Required

Question: I’ve created a small utility. The exe is only 27k, but vb40032.dll, mfc40.dll (for a custom control) and others make the setup zip over 1 meg. Can I leave

Using Tab Control

Question: I have an old DOS-Clipper app that I plan to upgrade to VB. The old app handles insurance claims. To enter a new claim, 4 screens of data are

Misalignment of Columns

Question: I try to align numeric numbers in columns (to be right-justified). Hwvr, some of the numbers don’t right-justify very well. In my example, most of these numbers hve 2

Removing Picture Property

Question: If I apply a picture to a Form’s Picture property, is there a way to clear it out at design time? (Rather than by using LoadPicture “” at run

Complex Arithmetic Without Complexities

omplex numbers are widely-used in electrical engineering, simulations, and scientific applications. And yet, many software engineers who have to use complex arithmetic insist on reinventing

Bring Array Mapping Capabilities to SQL

QL has been evolving?slowly?for over three decades, (see Wikipedia for a historical summary). While SQL in the hands of an expert is quite powerful, it’s