How to Become a Financial Software Developer

How to Become a Financial Software Developer

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Some of the fastest-growing careers in recent memory are those in the software industry. With the increasing prevalence of smart technology, there is a direct correlation to an increase in the need for software developers. An extremely lucrative opportunity, many of the brightest minds are turning their focus towards joining the software industry. The opportunities with software and what you can do as a software developer are nearly limitless, however in this article we will be taking a look at financial software development, and what it takes to become a financial software developer.

What is software development? What is financial software? And what kind of education is required to become a financial software developer? What are some of the best schools for education on software development? Additionally, what kind of jobs can you find as a financial software developer?

In this article we will look to answer all these questions and more:

What Is Software Development?

Before diving into the financial field, we should first ensure that we understand what software development is as a whole. In simple terms, software is a set of instructions or steps that tell a computer what to do. There are 3 main categories of software; system software, programming software, and application software. Each of these serves its own unique role.

System software is the core fundamental software responsible for performing basic tasks and maintenance. Some examples would include programs like Windows or iOS. Programming software is basically a software program that is designed to help developers program other software. Some essential functions would be debugging, editing, or other basic design tools. Finally, application software is likely the most familiar. Application software is designed to help users execute a specific task. Programs like Microsoft Word, Skype, and Google Chrome are all examples of application software.

Software development is simply the process of building, designing, editing, and implementing these software programs.

What Is Financial Software?

As the name suggests, financial software is a software program designed to simplify managing finances or budgeting. Financial software programs can serve any number of functions such as; tracking income, managing investments, paying online bills, monitoring expenses, and much more. Financial software programs are used in just about every small business and company in today’s world, and as such financial software developers are in increasingly high demand.

What Kind of Education Is Required to Become a Financial Software Developer?

While it is technically not necessary to go to school for software development, it generally provides a massive advantage. In most cases, software development jobs require a college bachelor’s degree. Many institutions now offer a software development degree that provides a massive advantage to those looking for work in the software industry. Software development students will generally choose between two tracks, studying either Javascript or C#. Most major software companies use C#, while Java is a more generally applicable language.

Most major institutions now offer software development programs, so no matter what school you attend there will generally be opportunities to pursue software development. However, some of the top schools in software development right now are; Cornell, the University of California – Berkeley, Duke, Stanford, the University of Michigan, UCLA, the University of Washington, and the University of Texas. Many of the top programs are located near Silicon Valley on the west coast, but elite software development programs can be located nationwide.

What Kind of Jobs Can I Find as a Financial Software Developer?

One of the biggest advantages of a degree in software development is that there are nearly limitless job opportunities. Almost all companies and industries have a need for software developers meaning you can really pursue just about anything. However, if you are looking to pursue a career in financial software development here are a few options you may want to consider:

  • Investment Firms – One of the most lucrative industries is investment firms, and these firms are always looking to find a leg up on their competition. Software developers are in high demand in order to help improve efficiency and analysis for top investment firms.
  • Banking – Although there are opportunities on occasion, most smaller or local banks won’t have a direct need for financial software developers. However, larger banking entities are always looking for developers to create software programs that can assist in daily tasks.
  • SaaS Firms – Software as service companies are open to software developers of all kinds, and that includes financial software developers. Because they sell their software to various companies and industries there is almost always a demand for software developers of all types.


Financial software developers design and implement software programs with the intent of making it easier to manage and analyze finances. These programs can serve a wide range of functions from tracking investments to paying bills. Additionally, no shortage of companies exists when it comes to searching for developers. Most higher education institutions now offer a software development program. This makes it more possible than ever before to pursue a career in software development.


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