Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability: Definition, Examples


Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability (ACID) is a set of properties that guarantee database transactions are processed reliably. Atomicity ensures that if a transaction series fails, all changes within that series are rolled back, leaving the database unchanged. Consistency guarantees that a transaction brings the database from one valid state to another, Isolation ensures that individual transactions are secure in their operations, and Durability confirms that once a transaction is committed, it will remain so even in the case of system failures.


Atomicity: /əˌtɒmɪˈsɪti/Consistency: /kənˈsɪstənsi/Isolation: /ˌaɪsəˈleɪʃən/Durability: /djʊərəˈbɪlɪti/

Key Takeaways

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  1. Atomicity: This principle ensures that all operations within a transaction are completed successfully; if this does not happen, then the transaction is aborted at the failure point and previously completed steps are rolled back to their former state.
  2. Consistency: Consistency ensures that a transaction brings the database from one valid state to another, maintaining database invariants: predefined rules to preserve database consistency before and after the transaction.
  3. Isolation: The isolation property ensures that the concurrent execution of transactions result in a system state that would be obtained if transactions were executed serially, i.e., one after the other.
  4. Durability: Durability ensures that once a transaction has been committed, it will remain committed even in the case of a system failure. This is usually achieved by storing the transaction into a transaction log that can be reprocessed to recreate the system state right before any later failure.

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Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability, often abbreviated as ACID, is a critical concept in the field of computing, particularly in database management systems. These are a set of properties that guarantee reliable processing of database transactions. Atomicity ensures that transactions are treated as a single, indivisible unit, meaning either all of its changes are committed to the database, or none of them are. Consistency ensures that a transaction brings the database from one valid state to another. Isolation ensures that concurrent execution of transactions results in a system state as if transactions were executed serially, one after the other. Lastly, Durability guarantees that once a transaction has been committed, it will remain committed even in the case of a system failure. These properties are important in maintaining the integrity, reliability, and accuracy of data in a database.


Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability, commonly abbreviated as ACID, refers to a standard set of properties that guarantee that data transactions are processed reliably in a database system. Essentially, ACID is a concept used to ensure that database transactions are processed in a manner that ensures accuracy, completeness, and data integrity, even in instances of errors, power failures, and other mishaps. The primary purpose of these properties is to provide a framework where database transactions can assure reliable processing.Each element of the ACID model serves to ensure a specific function. Atomicity guarantees the complete execution of a transaction, i.e., if any part of a transaction fails, the entire transaction fails, and the database state is left unchanged. Consistency ensures that a transaction brings the database from one valid state to another, adhering to preset rules and constraints. Isolation ensures that concurrent execution of transactions results in a system state that would have been obtained if transactions were executed sequentially. Lastly, Durability guarantees that once a transaction has been committed, it will remain committed even in the case of a system failure. These principles are used in systems where the accuracy and completeness of a transaction are paramount, such as banking systems, airline reservation systems, and order processing systems.


Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability (ACID) is a set of properties that ensure reliable processing of database transactions. Here are three real-world examples of how ACID principles are relevant:1. Online Banking: In online banking transactions, ACID properties play a crucial role. Atomicity ensures that the transaction is indivisible, i.e., either the full transaction is completed or nothing happens at all. Consistency guarantees every transaction brings the system from one valid state to another. Isolation ascertains concurrent transaction execution without affecting others, and Durability ensures complete transactions are saved and remain so even in case of failures. For example, when you transfer money to a friend, the amount in your account decreases and the amount in your friend’s account increases without affecting other transactions and can not be undone.2. Reservation Systems: In systems like flight or hotel reservations, ACID is vital. When a customer books a ticket – the number of available tickets decreases by one, the customer’s bill increases by the ticket price and the seat layout updates to reflect this booked seat. These operations need to be atomic and consistent to assure the reservation was successful and available inventory is updated correctly. Isolation is required to handle concurrent bookings, and durability makes sure the data is not lost due to system failures.3. E-commerce Platforms: In an e-commerce transaction, an item is moved from product inventory to a user’s shopping cart. Atomicity guarantees all these steps are completed or none of them are. Consistency sees to it that inventory counts remain accurate before and after the transaction. Isolation ensures each user’s shopping experience does not affect others, and Durability ensures transactions are permanent, even in the face of power loss or system crashes.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

**Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability (ACID)****Q1: What does ACID stand for in database systems?**A: ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability; short for a set of properties that any transactional system should ensure for it to be reliable.**Q2: Can you define Atomicity?**A: Atomicity guarantees that each database transaction is treated as a single, unbreakable unit. Either all operations involved in the transaction are executed, or none are. There’s no such thing as a partially complete transaction.**Q3: What do you mean by Consistency in ACID properties?**A: Consistency means that a transaction maintains the integrity of a database. That is, a transaction brings a database from one consistent state to another consistent state – if a transaction begins with a database that is consistent and any transaction is executed, it should end with a consistent database.**Q4: What is Isolation in ACID properties?**A: Isolation ensures that concurrent operations (that is, operations running at the same time) don’t interfere with each other. A transaction should behave the same whether it’s executed alone or in conjunction with other transactions.**Q5: Can you explain Durability in ACID properties?**A: Durability means that the effects of a transaction, once committed, are permanent, even in the event of a system failure. The results of the transaction will survive any subsequent crashes.**Q6: Why are ACID properties important?**A: ACID properties are crucial for any transactional system as they ensure the reliability of data in a database. They guard against potential data corruption or loss, thus maintaining the integrity and security of the data.**Q7: Are ACID properties relevant to non-relational (NoSQL) databases?**A: While traditionally most associated with relational databases, some NoSQL databases have begun to offer ACID compliance or elements of it. However, it’s worth noting that not all NoSQL databases offer full ACID compliance as they prioritize other factors like performance or horizontal scalability.**Q8: Are there any downsides to utilizing ACID properties?**A: While ACID properties offer tremendous advantages in terms of data integrity and reliability, they can sometimes impact system performance, particularly in large-scale, distributed environments. Also, they may limit the scalability of the database in certain situations.

Related Technology Terms

  • Transaction Processing
  • Database Management System (DBMS)
  • Concurrency Control
  • Commit and Rollback
  • Recovery Management

Sources for More Information


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