
Augmented Analytics

Definition of Augmented Analytics

Augmented Analytics refers to the use of advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), to enhance and automate data analysis processes. It assists in discovering hidden patterns, trends, and insights from large and complex data sets, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions more efficiently. The primary goal of Augmented Analytics is to simplify data management, reduce human bias, and accelerate data-driven insights.


The phonetics of “Augmented Analytics” in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) would be: /É”:gˈmÉ›ntɪd ænəˈlɪtɪks/

Key Takeaways

  1. Augmented Analytics automates data preparation, insight discovery, and sharing through advanced technologies like AI and Machine Learning, making data analysis more efficient and accessible.
  2. By enabling business users to easily analyze data and gain actionable insights, Augmented Analytics democratizes data-driven decision-making and reduces reliance on specialized data scientists.
  3. By providing real-time, personalized, and predictive insights, Augmented Analytics is revolutionizing the way organizations operate and make strategic decisions, driving better business outcomes and a competitive advantage.

Importance of Augmented Analytics

The technology term Augmented Analytics is important because it represents a significant advancement in the field of data analysis, leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to automatically analyze data, extract meaningful insights, and improve decision-making.

It reduces the complexities and time-consuming tasks associated with traditional data analysis techniques, empowering analysts and non-specialists alike to access and effectively utilize data.

Augmented analytics not only enhances the ability to make more informed decisions but also plays a crucial role in democratizing data by making advanced analytics tools more accessible and user-friendly.

This ultimately paves the way for better business strategies and a competitive edge in an increasingly data-driven world.


Augmented analytics is a revolutionary approach aimed at enhancing the way businesses gain insights and make data-driven decisions. As a purpose-driven technology, its primary goal is to expand the reach and accessibility of data analytics across organizations by automating various aspects of the process and significantly reducing the need for manual intervention. By utilizing advanced technologies such as machine learning and natural language processing, augmented analytics amplifies the capabilities of traditional analytics.

As a result, it empowers organizations to analyze vast amounts of data, identify hidden patterns and trends, and extract valuable insights, which can be leveraged to create successful business strategies, improve operational efficiency, and drive growth. One of the key applications of augmented analytics lies in offering personalized, actionable insights to individuals at different levels within a company, regardless of their technical expertise. By automating data preparation, analysis, and interpretation, non-technical users can easily understand and make better use of the analytics results.

Consequently, it fosters a data-driven culture within the organization and allows teams to make more informed and impactful decisions. Moreover, it helps businesses capitalize on untapped opportunities and address key challenges by providing predictive and prescriptive analytics. This, in turn, enables companies to make proactive decisions and maintain a competitive edge in a dynamic market landscape.

Overall, augmented analytics serves as a powerful tool to democratize data analytics and maximize its potential in driving business success.

Examples of Augmented Analytics

Predictive Maintenance in Manufacturing: Augmented analytics is employed in manufacturing industries to monitor equipment and predict maintenance needs. By analyzing large data sets in real-time, the technology identifies patterns that may suggest future failures. Siemens, for example, uses its IoT platform, MindSphere, to enable predictive maintenance by leveraging advanced analytics for industrial assets, avoiding downtime and reducing operational costs.

Retail Customer Experience Enhancement: In the retail sector, augmented analytics helps businesses make data-driven decisions to improve customer experiences and boost sales. Macy’s, an American department store chain, has utilized augmented analytics to analyze and optimize pricing, promotions, and assortments. By leveraging data insights, Macy’s has made more informed decisions on discounts and offers, leading to increased profitability.

Personalized Healthcare: Augmented analytics can also be applied in healthcare, assisting medical professionals in providing more targeted and personalized care. Tempus, a precision medicine company, utilizes augmented analytics to analyze vast clinical and molecular data to enhance cancer treatment options. By integrating machine learning, Tempus can identify patterns and trends in patient data that can inform doctors about better therapy options, prognosis, and treatment strategies, leading to improved patient outcomes.


Augmented Analytics FAQ

What is Augmented Analytics?

Augmented Analytics is an approach to data analytics that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to automate the process of data preparation, insight discovery, and sharing. This allows for more efficient and accurate analysis, helping business users make better-informed decisions without the need for extensive technical expertise.

How does Augmented Analytics differ from traditional analytics?

Unlike traditional analytics, which usually involves manual processes and a heavy reliance on data scientists, Augmented Analytics automates many aspects of the analysis process. Through AI and ML-driven automation, it assists in data preparation, detects patterns and trends, and generates insights in a more timely and efficient manner, making it accessible to a broader range of users.

What are the benefits of using Augmented Analytics?

Augmented Analytics offers several benefits, including:
1. Faster and more efficient data analysis
2. Reduction in human errors during data preparation
3. Improved decision-making through data-driven insights
4. Democratization of data analytics, allowing non-technical users to perform advanced analysis
5. Increased scalability as organizational data volumes grow.

What are some use cases for Augmented Analytics?

Augmented Analytics can be applied across various industries and use cases, such as:
1. Marketing: Customer segmentation, campaign performance analysis, and customer churn prediction.
2. Finance: Fraud detection, risk assessment, and forecasting.
3. Healthcare: Patient outcome prediction, resource optimization, and treatment personalization.
4. Retail: Inventory management, pricing optimization, and demand forecasting.
5. Manufacturing: Quality control, predictive maintenance, and process optimization.

What are the potential challenges and limitations of Augmented Analytics?

While Augmented Analytics offers many advantages, some potential challenges and limitations include:
1. Data quality issues: Low-quality data can lead to inaccurate insights and conclusions.
2. Data security and privacy concerns: Ensuring the proper handling and protection of sensitive data is crucial.
3. Integration with existing systems: Seamless integration with an organization’s existing infrastructure may require time and effort.
4. Lack of understanding: Non-technical users may struggle to grasp the significance of certain insights or the limitations of AI-generated analysis.
5. Overreliance on automation: Businesses should maintain a balance between automated insights and human expertise to avoid flawed decision-making.


Related Technology Terms

  • Data Visualization
  • Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Automated Data Insights
  • A.I.-Driven Analytics

Sources for More Information


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