Backbone Router

Definition of Backbone Router

A Backbone Router is a high-capacity networking device that serves as a primary connection point within a network infrastructure. Its main function is to manage and direct traffic between multiple smaller networks, ensuring a smooth flow of data along the network’s backbone. This enhances overall performance, reliability, and efficiency across the entire network.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Backbone Router” is:/ˈbakˌboʊn ˈruːtər/bak-bohn roo-tuhr

Key Takeaways

  1. Backbone Router helps in managing the application’s navigation and keeps track of the browser’s history, enabling seamless navigation between different sections of the application.
  2. It uses routes to map URL patterns to specific functions or actions. This simplifies application logic and allows developers to create more organized and maintainable code.
  3. Backbone Router automatically handles the creation and management of the browser’s history stack, giving developers a simple way to implement ‘back’ and ‘forward’ navigation within their application without having to rely on external libraries or manually manage those actions themselves.

Importance of Backbone Router

The term Backbone Router holds significant importance in the technology sphere, particularly in the context of networks and data communication.

As the backbone of data networks, these routers create a central, robust, and highly secured pathway for the routing of data packets.

They facilitate high-speed data transfers and seamless interconnectivity between various network segments and systems over vast geographic distances.

Moreover, they ensure overall network stability, availability, and performance by intelligently managing traffic flows, providing redundancy, and minimizing latency.

In essence, backbone routers form the critical infrastructure that keeps global communication networks operating smoothly and efficiently, enabling the seamless exchange of information that powers today’s connected world.


Backbone routers serve a crucial purpose within the realm of internet technology. These powerful routers are specifically designed to ensure stable, fast, and reliable communication within complex networks. To fulfill this vital role, they function as the central hub that connects various segments of a network, allowing for seamless data transmission and communication across vast distances.

By managing and directing traffic between different Local Area Networks (LANs), Wide Area Networks (WANs), and the Internet, backbone routers contribute to efficient and optimal network performance. This has made them an indispensable component of substantial internet infrastructures, such as those employed by universities, corporations, and even internet service providers (ISPs).Beyond providing vital connectivity to users, backbone routers are expert traffic managers, which is essential as they handle an immense volume of data. These devices must promptly process and forward the data packets to their designated destinations.

To do so, they employ a series of routing protocols and algorithms that analyze the available routes, determine the most efficient one, and prevent network congestion. Additionally, these routers possess sophisticated features like redundancy and dynamic routing, which ensure that network communication remains uninterrupted even in the event of device failure, maintenance, or increased traffic loads. In summary, backbone routers serve as the linchpin of large-scale networks, providing unwavering stability, efficiency, and overall performance, making them indispensable within our increasingly digital world.

Examples of Backbone Router

Cisco ASR 9000 Series Routers: Cisco is a renowned company that provides networking hardware, software, and telecommunications equipment. Their ASR 9000 Series Routers are specifically designed to serve as the backbone routers in large-scale networks. These routers offer high-speed connectivity, high performance, and seamless integration with other routers and switches. They are extensively used by service providers, data centers, and large enterprises, to shuttle large amounts of data across networks.

Juniper Networks MX Series: The Juniper Networks MX Series is another popular choice for backbone routers among internet service providers and large enterprises. These routers offer a wide range of capacities, from 20 Gbps to several Tbps, and feature advanced switching, routing, and security capabilities. They are typically used to connect major internet hubs and data centers, ensuring that information is relayed quickly, securely, and efficiently.

Alcatel-Lucent 7950 XRS: Alcatel-Lucent is a global telecommunications equipment company, and their 7950 XRS (eXtensible Routing System) series serves as a powerful backbone routing platform. These routers are designed to handle large-scale IP/MPLS (Internet Protocol / Multiprotocol Label Switching) networks and offer immense capacity, flexibility, and efficiency. They are widely used by service providers and large enterprises to create expansive and robust backbones for their network infrastructure.

Backbone Router FAQ

What is a Backbone Router?

A Backbone Router is a part of the Backbone.js library used for managing client-side navigation and application states through URL hash fragments. It helps developers create single-page applications with clean URLs for different views and states.

How do you use a Backbone Router?

To use a Backbone Router, you must first create a custom Router class by extending Backbone.Router. This class will contain route definitions, which map URL fragments to corresponding functions or events. You can then instantiate the custom Router and call Backbone.history.start() to begin monitoring and triggering the appropriate routing actions.

What are the benefits of using a Backbone Router?

Using a Backbone Router has several benefits, including:

  • URL-driven app state: Users can share and bookmark application URLs, and browser navigation controls remain functional.
  • Enhanced organization: The router centralizes navigation logic, making it easier to maintain and expand the application.
  • Improved user experience: By loading only the data required for the current view, the application responds faster, providing a smoother user experience.

How can I define routes in a Backbone Router?

To define routes in a Backbone Router, you’ll first create a custom Router class that extends Backbone.Router. Within the class, define a ‘routes’ object, with key-value pairs where the key is the URL fragment and the value is the function or event name associated with it. Ensure that the functions or events are defined in the class as well.

How do I start Backbone’s history management?

To start Backbone’s history management, call Backbone.history.start() in your application code. This call should occur after creating an instance of your custom Router class and any other initialization you may need. Backbone.history.start() will begin monitoring hash changes and trigger the appropriate routing actions.

Related Technology Terms

  • Network Infrastructure
  • Core Routers
  • Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
  • Internet Service Providers (ISP)
  • High-speed Data Transmission

Sources for More Information


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