
Definition of Bookmarklet

A bookmarklet is a small software application, usually written in JavaScript, that is stored as a bookmark in a web browser. It enhances browser functionality by allowing users to quickly perform specific tasks or actions on a webpage. When clicked, the bookmarklet executes its code to complete the desired action without navigating away from the current page.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Bookmarklet” in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is:/ˈbʊkmɑrkˌlɪt/

Key Takeaways

  1. Bookmarklets are small JavaScript code snippets saved as bookmarks that execute a specific function on a webpage.
  2. They are browser-independent and easy to use, which allows for quick access to a variety of web-based tools and utilities.
  3. Bookmarklets can enhance productivity, as they perform operations such as translation, sharing webpages, or extracting content without the need for installing browser extensions.

Importance of Bookmarklet

The term “Bookmarklet” is important in the realm of technology as it represents a small, specialized software application that adds extended functionality and convenience to web browsers.

Essentially, a bookmarklet is a bookmark with embedded JavaScript code that executes specific actions or tasks when clicked.

Instead of merely leading a user to a website, bookmarklets can enhance a user’s browsing experience by providing quick access to useful tools, such as webpage translation, content sharing, or text highlighting, all without having to leave the current webpage.

Their compact size, customizable nature, and ease of use make them valuable resources for individuals seeking improved efficiency and personalized browsing experiences.


Bookmarklets serve a vital purpose in enhancing the online browsing experience for users. They are web-browser extensions that act as shortcuts, providing users with quick access to a broad array of features and tools on a web page.

By adding a bookmarklet to one’s browser, individuals save time and effort, since they don’t have to open a new tab or search for a specific function. A variety of tasks can be completed through bookmarklets, such as saving articles to read later, generating citations, translating text, or even modifying a website’s appearance, all with just a click of a button.

One of the major advantages of using bookmarklets is their compatibility with multiple browsers, making them a versatile and resourceful solution for users. Unlike traditional browser extensions, bookmarklets don’t require an installation process, as they are essentially small snippets of JavaScript code that run within the browser itself.

This makes them relatively lightweight, easy to configure, and less susceptible to compatibility issues due to different operating systems or browser updates. Overall, bookmarklets provide an efficient and customizable way for users to tailor their browsing experience according to their personal preferences and needs, resulting in a more enjoyable and productive time spent online.

Examples of Bookmarklet

Pinterest Save Button: The Pinterest Save Button is a popular bookmarklet that allows users to save images and ideas they find on any website to their Pinterest boards. When users come across a great recipe, a beautiful image, or an interesting article, they can click the Save Button in their browser bookmarks to add the content to their Pinterest account. This makes it easier for users to collect and organize their favorite content from across the internet.

Pocket: Pocket is a powerful bookmarklet that helps users save articles, videos, and web pages to view later, even without an internet connection. With the Pocket bookmarklet installed in their browser, users can easily save content to their Pocket account by simply clicking the Pocket icon in their bookmarks bar. The saved content can then be accessed on any device with the Pocket app installed, making it convenient for users to enjoy their content whenever and wherever they choose.

Evernote Web Clipper: Evernote’s Web Clipper bookmarklet is a useful tool that allows users to clip and save content from the web directly to their Evernote account. By clicking the Evernote Web Clipper icon in their bookmarks bar, users can choose between saving an entire web page, a simplified version (without ads and clutter), a screenshot, a selected piece of text, or a bookmark of the page. The clipped content will be synced across all devices connected to the user’s Evernote account, making it easy to access and organize important information.

Bookmarklet FAQ

1. What is a bookmarklet?

A bookmarklet is a small piece of JavaScript code stored as a bookmark in your web browser. It allows you to perform actions on the current web page, such as highlighting text, changing font size, or extracting specific information, all with a single click.

2. How do I create a bookmarklet?

To create a bookmarklet, follow these simple steps:

  1. Right-click on your bookmarks bar and select “Add page” or “New bookmark.”
  2. In the “Name” field, provide a descriptive name for your bookmarklet.
  3. In the “URL” or “Address” field, enter your JavaScript code, starting with “javascript:”.
  4. Click “Save” or “Add.” Your new bookmarklet will appear on your bookmarks bar.

3. How do I use a bookmarklet?

To use a bookmarklet, simply click on it in your bookmarks bar while browsing a web page. The bookmarklet will execute the JavaScript code and perform the programmed actions on the current page.

4. Are bookmarklets safe?

Bookmarklets, like any other browser extension or script, can be unsafe if they contain malicious code. Always ensure that you get your bookmarklets from trusted sources, and double-check the JavaScript code if you have any concerns about its safety.

5. Can I use bookmarklets on any web browser?

Bookmarklets are compatible with most web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. However, some browsers may have specific security settings that prevent the execution of JavaScript code from bookmarks. You may need to adjust your browser’s settings to allow bookmarklets to function properly.

Related Technology Terms

  • JavaScript
  • Web Browser
  • Browser Extension
  • URL
  • Web Application

Sources for More Information


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