Business Intelligence Competency Center

Definition of Business Intelligence Competency Center

A Business Intelligence Competency Center (BICC) is a centralized unit within an organization that focuses on promoting and supporting the effective use of business intelligence (BI) tools and practices. The BICC brings together a team of skilled professionals who collaborate on BI strategy, develop best practices, and offer support to various departments in utilizing BI. The primary goal of a BICC is to enable data-driven decision-making by providing a framework for standardizing and optimizing BI processes across the organization.


The phonetics of the keyword “Business Intelligence Competency Center” would be:Business: /ˈbɪznɪs/Intelligence: /ɪnˈtɛlɪdʒəns/Competency: /kəmˈpɛtənsi/Center: /ˈsɛntər/In the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) format, it would appear as:/ˈbɪznɪs ɪnˈtɛlɪdʒəns kəmˈpɛtənsi ˈsɛntər/

Key Takeaways

  1. A Business Intelligence Competency Center (BICC) is a centralized team within an organization responsible for promoting, supporting, and delivering effective Business Intelligence (BI) solutions, best practices, and skills development.
  2. The BICC ensures data accuracy, security, and consistency across the organization, enabling better decisions, increased efficiency, and improved collaboration between various departments.
  3. Key components of a successful BICC include a cross-functional team with diverse skills, a well-defined strategy and roadmap, and a focus on continuous learning and improvement to evolve with the organization’s needs and industry trends.

Importance of Business Intelligence Competency Center

The term “Business Intelligence Competency Center” (BICC) is important because it represents a centralized, dedicated team within an organization responsible for defining, implementing, and managing business intelligence (BI) strategies.

BICCs play a crucial role in ensuring data-driven decision making across the organization by promoting best practices, providing training, and facilitating collaboration between different departments.

They help maintain the consistency and quality of data, drive user adoption of BI tools, and align the technological resources with the strategic goals of the company.

By establishing a BICC, organizations can bridge the gap between IT and business users, optimize processes, and ultimately, harness the full potential of their data assets, which ultimately leads to a competitive advantage and improved overall performance.


The purpose of a Business Intelligence Competency Center (BICC) primarily revolves around streamlining data-driven processes and facilitating improved decision-making within an organization. Being a centralized hub, the BICC brings together stakeholders, technology, processes, and experts under one roof, ensuring seamless collaboration and effective utilization of resources. BICCs are designed to support the long-term strategic goals of an organization, tackling challenges such as data inconsistency, redundancy, and inefficient decision-making by utilizing state-of-the-art business intelligence (BI) tools and analytics.

In line with this purpose, BICCs are used for a variety of functions aimed at empowering businesses with data-driven insights. Critical among these is the establishment and enforcement of standard data governance and management practices across the organization. Ensuring data quality and consistency is vital in conveying accurate information and providing reliable insights to support decision-making processes.

Furthermore, BICCs play a crucial role in identifying the most relevant data analytics and BI tools, tailoring them to the organization’s specific requirements and needs. BICCs facilitate the development and maintenance of these applications, optimizing their usage, and driving overall efficiency. Finally, the BICC also focuses on upskilling team members, providing training and resources that enable them to harness the full potential of data analytics and business intelligence techniques.

Examples of Business Intelligence Competency Center

Procter & Gamble (P&G)P&G established a Business Intelligence Competency Center (BICC) to help the company make better and more informed decisions. The BICC provides a centralized platform for data management, analytics, and reporting across the organization. By consolidating and managing data from various sources, the BICC enabled P&G to optimize business processes and improve decision-making. As a result, P&G experienced increased efficiency, cost reduction, and enhanced capability to understand customer behaviors and preferences, thus driving growth and profitability.

Cisco SystemsCisco Systems, a leading IT and networking solutions provider, implemented a BICC to collect, analyze, and disseminate actionable insights for strategic decision making across the organization. The BICC helped Cisco streamline their reporting and analytics processes, allowing the organization to tackle complex challenges and improve overall performance. Through the BICC, Cisco was able to identify new market opportunities, reduce operational costs, and improve customer satisfaction, thus reinforcing its competitive advantage.

Daimler AGDaimler AG, a multinational automotive corporation, established a BICC to support its “Mercedes-Benz Cars Development” department. The BICC was designed to provide a central point of intelligence and information, facilitating collaboration and analytics-driven decision-making in areas such as product development, production, and quality management. With the BICC’s support, Daimler AG has been able to optimize processes, reduce costs, improve product quality, and enhance innovation, thereby strengthening its position in the global automotive market.

Business Intelligence Competency Center FAQ

What is a Business Intelligence Competency Center?

A Business Intelligence Competency Center (BICC) is a centralized team within an organization that focuses on promoting and implementing best practices in business intelligence, data management, and analytics. The BICC plays a crucial role in helping organizations use data effectively for decision-making and driving business value.

What are the primary objectives of a BICC?

The primary objectives of a BICC include improving business performance, fostering data-driven decision-making, reducing data silos, providing governance and oversight for data quality, and ensuring data privacy and security. This is achieved through collaboration between IT, operations, and business teams to build effective business intelligence strategy, tools, and processes.

What are the key roles in a BICC?

The key roles in a BICC typically include Business Analysts, Data Architects, Data Engineers, Data Scientists, BI Developers, and Project Managers. These roles work together to define business requirements, develop data models, manage data quality and governance, and create and maintain BI tools and reports for the organization.

How does a BICC benefit an organization?

A BICC benefits an organization by ensuring a more structured and organized approach to data management, business intelligence, and analytics. This encourages better collaboration between teams and promotes the use of data-driven insights, ultimately helping the organization improve business performance, enhance decision-making, and stay competitive in the market.

How to establish a BICC in an organization?

Establishing a BICC involves several steps, such as identifying key stakeholders, defining the BICC’s goals and objectives, selecting the appropriate team members with relevant skills, planning and executing a pilot project, measuring the BICC’s success, and continuously refining the BICC’s tactics and strategies based on the outcomes. Strong support and commitment from top management are essential for successful BICC implementation.

Related Technology Terms

  • Data Warehousing
  • Analytics and Reporting
  • Dashboard Development
  • Data Governance
  • Data Integration

Sources for More Information


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