Cable Jetting

Definition of Cable Jetting

Cable jetting refers to a process used for installing telecommunication or fiber optic cables in underground conduit systems. This method utilizes a combination of compressed air and pushing force to propel the cable along the conduit at high speed. Cable jetting allows for efficient and safe installation of cables over long distances while minimizing the risk of damage during installation.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Cable Jetting” is: ˈkābəl ˈjetiNG

Key Takeaways

  1. Cable jetting is a highly efficient method for deploying fiber-optic cables in new or existing conduit systems, using compressed air to propel the cable at high speeds through the ducts.
  2. Jetting reduces installation time and labor costs compared to traditional methods such as pulling, as well as decreasing the risk of damaging the cable during the installation process.
  3. This technology is highly beneficial in various industries, including telecommunications and utilities, allowing for the rapid expansion of network infrastructure and improving overall connectivity.

Importance of Cable Jetting

Cable jetting is an important technology term as it refers to a highly efficient method used for installing telecommunication, power and fiber optic cables in conduits.

This technique utilizes compressed air or other gases to propel a cable through ducts, significantly reducing the stress and potential damage caused by traditional pulling methods.

This method allows cables to be installed over longer distances, with more bends, and at a faster pace while maintaining the cable’s integrity and performance.

In addition, cable jetting minimizes the overall installation cost, environmental impact, and potential downtime, making it a vital technology in the expansion and maintenance of modern communication and power infrastructures.


Cable jetting is a method employed for the installation and deployment of fiber optic cables, primarily in telecommunication and data transfer networks. The purpose of this technique is to enable faster, more efficient, and cost-effective installation of cables in varied terrains and environments, ranging from congested urban settings to rural landscapes. Cable jetting ensures minimal disruption to the surroundings by eliminating the need for extensive excavation, and maintaining the integrity of existing infrastructure.

This technology has proven invaluable to the advancement of high-speed communication networks, enabling them to reach a wider audience and provide ultra-fast connectivity, critical to the functioning of various businesses and public services. The jetting process utilizes pneumatic force, specifically compressed air, to propel the cable through a conduit or duct, making it substantially easier to navigate through twists, turns, and long distances. A specialized lubricant is often applied to reduce friction between the cable and the duct wall, further enhancing the process.

The use of cable jetting has minimized physical stress on the fiber optic cables, which can otherwise occur in traditional pulling methods and lead to signal degradation. Additionally, cable jetting offers the flexibility to install multiple cables in a single duct, helping telecommunication providers save space and resources. In recent years, with the growing demand for high-speed internet and the advent of 5G technology, cable jetting has demonstrated its crucial role in rapid network expansion and upgrades, enabling a seamless and efficient transition into the future of communication technology.

Examples of Cable Jetting

Cable jetting, also known as air-assisted cable installation or pneumatic cable installation, is a technique used to install fiber optic cables or other types of communication cables in ducts and inner-ducts. The method utilizes high-pressure air to propel the cable through the duct, minimizing installation forces and reducing the risk of damage to the cable. Below are three real-world examples of cable jetting:

Google Fiber: Google Fiber, a fiber-to-the-premises service provided by Google, employs cable jetting technology in the deployment of its fiber-optic infrastructure across the United States. The company uses micro-trenching and cable jetting techniques to quickly and efficiently install fiber cables in various urban and suburban areas, minimizing disruption to local communities and reducing installation costs.

Transatlantic Submarine Cable Systems: Cable jetting has been used in the installation of several transatlantic submarine cable systems, such as Hibernia Express and AEC-2, which play a crucial role in international telecommunications connectivity. During the installation process, land-based segments of the cable are jetted through conduits in coastal areas, while the seabed segments are laid by specialized cable-laying ships.

Rural Broadband Expansion: Governments and telecommunication companies across the world are working on expanding high-speed broadband access to rural and remote communities. Cable jetting is often used in these projects to minimize costs, maximize efficiency, and reduce the environmental impact of the installation process. For instance, in Europe, the Rural Gigabit Connectivity (RGC) program utilizes cable jetting technology to bring gigabit-speed internet to rural areas that are underserved by existing broadband infrastructure.

Cable Jetting FAQ

1. What is cable jetting?

Cable jetting is a technique used in the telecommunication and power industries for installing cables in conduits and ducts. It involves blowing cables through underground conduits using compressed air, reducing friction, and allowing long distances of cable to be installed quickly and efficiently.

2. What are the advantages of cable jetting?

Cable jetting offers several advantages over traditional cable installation methods, including faster installation, reduced labor costs, minimal disruption to the surrounding environment, and the ability to install cables in complex networks of conduits with minimal friction.

3. What types of cables can be installed using cable jetting?

Cable jetting can be used to install various types of cables, including fiber optic, copper, and coaxial cables. The technique is suitable for both low and high voltage power cables as well as telecommunication cables.

4. What equipment is needed for cable jetting?

Typical cable jetting equipment includes a cable jetting machine, blowing compressor, cable lubricant, conduit seals, duct rods, and various nozzles and adaptors to accommodate different cable and conduit sizes.

5. What factors can affect cable jetting performance?

Several factors can impact cable jetting performance such as cable diameter, conduit size and material, bends and joints in the conduit, available air pressure, cable tension, and the use of appropriate lubricants.

6. How do you prepare for cable jetting?

Proper preparation is essential for a successful cable jetting project. This includes a thorough inspection of the conduit system, ensuring there is no debris or obstructions, verifying proper conduit sizing, pre-installing any necessary duct rods, and setting up the jetting equipment according to manufacturer guidelines.

7. Can I perform cable jetting myself, or should I hire a professional?

While cable jetting can be performed by well-trained individuals, it is generally recommended to hire a professional to ensure proper equipment handling and installation in compliance with industry standards and best practices.

Related Technology Terms

  • Fiber Optic Cables
  • Microduct
  • Compressed Air
  • Jetting Lubricant
  • Cable Blowing Machine

Sources for More Information


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