Certified Information Systems Auditor

Definition of Certified Information Systems Auditor

Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) refers to a globally recognized professional certification for individuals specializing in Information Systems (IS) auditing, control, and security. The certification is issued by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) after passing a comprehensive exam. Achieving CISA certification validates the individual’s expertise and commitment to the highest standards in the field of IS auditing.


The phonetics for the keyword “Certified Information Systems Auditor” are:- Certified: /sərˈtīfīd/- Information: /ˌinfərˈmāSHən/- Systems: /ˈsistəmz/- Auditor: /ˈôdətər/

Key Takeaways

  1. Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) is a globally recognized certification for professionals responsible for auditing, controlling, and assuring the security and effectiveness of information systems.
  2. The CISA certification is governed by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) and focuses on domains like IT Governance, Information Systems Audit Process, IT Service Delivery and Support, Protection of Information Assets, and Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery.
  3. Acquiring a CISA certification enhances an individual’s career prospects by showcasing their expertise, improving credibility, and providing a competitive advantage in the job market within the fields of IT audit, IT security, and IT risk management.

Importance of Certified Information Systems Auditor

The term Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) is important because it refers to a globally recognized certification for professionals in the field of information systems auditing, control, and security.

This certification, offered by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), validates an individual’s expertise and competence in assessing an organization’s IT infrastructure and business operations to ensure they align with industry best practices and regulatory standards.

Earning the CISA designation demonstrates a commitment to staying up-to-date on emerging trends, threats, and technologies, which enhances credibility, provides a competitive edge, and showcases a high degree of professionalism in the ever-evolving field of information technology.


Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) is a globally recognized professional designation that focuses on the importance and value of IT audit, control, and security management. The purpose of the CISA certification is to provide a standard of excellence for IT professionals, particularly those involved in auditing, controlling, and securing information systems.

This certification is granted by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), an international organization dedicated to the development and implementation of best practices for the governance and management of information technology. As information systems continue to evolve, organizations are becoming increasingly reliant on complex, data-driven technology to maintain and grow their operations.

This reliance highlights the necessity for a robust audit and control framework that can effectively identify and manage potential risks. The CISA certification equips professionals with the skills, knowledge, and expertise to evaluate an organization’s information systems and processes, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of critical business data.

This, in turn, creates confidence in an organization’s ability to safeguard sensitive information and maintain compliance with evolving regulatory requirements. By obtaining the CISA certification, IT professionals demonstrate not only a thorough understanding of technical and managerial aspects of information systems audit and control, but also a commitment to staying current in the rapidly changing landscape of information technology.

Examples of Certified Information Systems Auditor

Financial Institution Audit: A large financial institution hires a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of their information systems. The CISA reviews the organization’s IT infrastructure, policies, and internal controls, ensuring they meet industry standards and regulatory requirements. Through their comprehensive audit, the CISA identifies weaknesses in the company’s information systems, such as outdated software and inadequate data protection measures, and recommends improvements to minimize the risk of security breaches, fraud, and data loss. As a result, the financial institution can protect its customers’ sensitive information, maintain regulatory compliance, and safeguard its reputation.

Healthcare Sector Compliance: A hospital employs a CISA to oversee its Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance program. The CISA plays a crucial role in ensuring the hospital’s electronic health record system is secure and compliant with industry standards, patient privacy regulations, and government requirements. They regularly conduct risk assessments and audits of the hospital’s information systems, reporting their findings to hospital management and recommending necessary adjustments. Furthermore, the CISA is responsible for keeping abreast of changes in regulations and technological advancements in the healthcare information technology field to help the hospital stay ahead of potential threats and maintain compliance.

Government Agency Security Assessment: A government agency hires a CISA to evaluate the security and reliability of its information systems, which contain sensitive data on citizens and government operations. The CISA collaborates with the agency’s IT team to perform an in-depth analysis of its systems, ensuring strong security practices are in place, data is properly backed up and encrypted, and disaster recovery plans exist in case of emergencies. The CISA also helps the agency adhere to the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) guidelines by developing policies and procedures for maintaining a secure digital environment. By working closely with the government agency, the CISA helps strengthen national security, safeguard citizens’ private information, and maintain public trust.

Certified Information Systems Auditor FAQ

1. What is a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)?

A Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) is a professional certification issued by ISACA that demonstrates an individual’s ability to oversee, assess, and control essential organizational IT and business systems. It is a globally recognized certification for individuals with strong expertise in information systems auditing, control, and security.

2. What are the requirements to become a CISA?

To become a CISA, candidates must meet the following requirements:

  • Pass the CISA exam with a scaled score of at least 450 (out of 800)
  • Have a minimum of five years of professional experience in information systems auditing, control, or security
  • Adhere to ISACA’s Code of Professional Ethics
  • Complete ISACA’s Continuing Professional Education (CPE) requirements

3. What is the CISA exam format?

The CISA exam is a computer-based test comprising 150 multiple-choice questions. Candidates have 4 hours to complete the exam, with questions covering the following five domains:

  • Information System Auditing Process
  • Governance and Management of IT
  • Information Systems Acquisition, Development, and Implementation
  • Information Systems Operations and Business Resilience
  • Protection of Information Assets

4. How much does it cost to take the CISA exam?

The CISA exam fees vary based on ISACA membership status. For ISACA members, the exam fee is $575, while non-members pay $760. Additional fees may apply for rescheduling or deferring the exam.

5. What types of careers can CISAs pursue?

CISAs can work in a variety of industries and job roles, including:

  • IT Auditor
  • IT Security Analyst
  • IT Governance and Compliance Analyst
  • IT Risk Manager
  • Information Security Manager
  • Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

Related Technology Terms

  • IT Audit
  • Information Systems Controls
  • Information Security Management
  • Risk Assessment

Sources for More Information


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