
Certified Information Systems Security Professional

Definition of Certified Information Systems Security Professional

Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) is a globally recognized professional certification for individuals in the field of information security. It is offered by the International Information System Security Certification Consortium, commonly known as (ISC)². This certification validates an individual’s knowledge, skills, and expertise in designing, implementing, and maintaining a secure information system infrastructure.


The phonetics for the keyword “Certified Information Systems Security Professional” are:- Certified: sər-ˈtī-fīd- Information: ˌin-fər-ˈmā-shən- Systems: ˈsis-təmz- Security: sə-ˈkyu̇r-ə-tē- Professional: prə-ˈfesh-ə-nəl

Key Takeaways

  1. Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) is a globally recognized certification, which validates an individual’s expertise in designing, implementing, and managing a comprehensive security program for an organization.
  2. CISSP covers eight domains of knowledge, including security and risk management, asset security, security architecture and engineering, communication and network security, identity and access management, security assessment and testing, security operations, and software development security.
  3. To become a CISSP, one must possess at least five years of full-time, paid work experience in at least two of the eight CISSP domains, pass the rigorous CISSP exam, and adhere to the (ISC)² Code of Ethics and continuing professional education (CPE) requirements.

Importance of Certified Information Systems Security Professional

Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) is an important technology term as it represents a globally-recognized certification in the field of information security.

This certification is provided by the International Information System Security Certification Consortium (ISC)², and demonstrates that an individual possesses a high level of expertise, knowledge, and skills necessary to manage and ensure the security of an organization’s information systems.

As cyber threats and security challenges continue to grow, CISSP certified professionals are increasingly sought-after, as they are capable of implementing effective security strategies, mitigating risks, and protecting vital information infrastructure.

Thus, the CISSP title is crucial for both individuals advancing their careers and organizations seeking to ensure robust information system security.


The Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) is a globally recognized credential that showcases an individual’s expertise in the field of information security. A primary purpose of the CISSP certification is to ensure that professionals working with information systems and technology possess the required skills and knowledge to safeguard organizational data and systems from potential cyber threats. Professionals with this certification are able to effectively design, implement, and manage information security programs in various organizations, which ultimately enhances business integrity, continuity, and overall trust among clients and partners.

As the cyber landscape evolves and instances of breaches and attacks become more prevalent, the demand for CISSP-certified professionals continues to grow within an increasingly competitive job market. Beyond the technical aspect, the CISSP certification serves a broader purpose within an organization by fostering a strong security culture. CISSP-certified professionals actively contribute to, develop, and implement security policies and procedures that promote risk awareness and cybersecurity best practices.

This is instrumental in mitigating potential threats and improving an organization’s resilience against cyber-attacks. Furthermore, businesses that employ CISSP-certified professionals can demonstrate a robust commitment to maintaining a secure environment, further enhancing their reputation in the industry. Ultimately, the CISSP certification has become an indispensable tool for the professional growth of information security specialists as well as in ensuring the protection and stability of an organization’s information infrastructure.

Examples of Certified Information Systems Security Professional

The Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) is a globally recognized certification for information security professionals. Here are three real-world examples of how CISSP-certified professionals contribute to technology and security in various industries:

Protecting Healthcare Data: In the healthcare industry, CISSP professionals play a critical role in ensuring the security and privacy of sensitive patient data. They might create and enforce data protection policies, monitor security systems, and work on risk management plans to prevent unauthorized access or data breaches. For instance, they may design an intrusion detection system to identify any malicious activities in the electronic health records (EHR) system or work to ensure that hospital staff has proper access controls to view and manipulate sensitive patient information.

Secure Financial Services: CISSP-certified professionals work in the financial sector to create strong cybersecurity frameworks that safeguard the sensitive financial information of both customers and businesses. They may carry out security audits to identify potential vulnerabilities, ensure secure communication between banks and clients, and train employees to follow security policies and best practices. In the event of a cyber attack, CISSP-certified professionals also help analyze the event, assess the damage, and strengthen the security infrastructure to prevent future incidents.

Government Cybersecurity Initiatives: Government agencies around the world rely on CISSP-certified professionals to help protect their information systems and critical infrastructure. These professionals work to defend government networks from cyber threats, develop and implement secure information access protocols, and collaborate with other agencies to build a more robust national cybersecurity strategy. CISSP professionals can also contribute to investigation efforts in cases involving cybercrime or espionage, providing their technical expertise to identify threat actors, trace their activities, and recommend countermeasures to minimize the impact of such attacks.

Certified Information Systems Security Professional FAQ

What is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)?

A Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) is a cybersecurity professional who has earned the globally recognized CISSP certification, awarded by the International Information System Security Certification Consortium (ISC)². CISSPs possess expertise in cybersecurity strategy and hands-on implementation, covering various aspects of information security.

What are the requirements for the CISSP certification?

To obtain the CISSP certification, candidates must meet the following requirements: a minimum of five years of full-time work experience in at least two of the eight domains of the (ISC)² CISSP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK), adherence to the (ISC)² Code of Ethics, passing the CISSP examination, and completing the endorsement process by having a current (ISC)²-certified professional attest to the candidate’s work experience.

What are the eight domains of the CISSP CBK?

The eight domains of the CISSP CBK are:
1. Security and Risk Management
2. Asset Security
3. Security Architecture and Engineering
4. Communication and Network Security
5. Identity and Access Management
6. Security Assessment and Testing
7. Security Operations
8. Software Development Security

What is the format of the CISSP examination?

The CISSP exam is a Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) format, consisting of a maximum of 150 questions to be completed within a 3-hour time limit. The exam covers the eight domains of the CISSP CBK, and candidates are required to achieve a scaled score of 700 out of 1000 to pass.

How can I prepare for the CISSP exam?

Preparing for the CISSP exam can involve a combination of self-study, online training, and in-person courses. It is essential to review the CBK, as well as the exam objectives and outline. Various (ISC)² training seminars and study materials, self-paced learning resources, and practice exams are also available to help candidates prepare for the examination.

How do I maintain my CISSP certification?

CISSP certification holders must participate in the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) program to maintain their certification. Over a three-year period, CISSPs are required to earn 120 Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits, abide by the (ISC)² Code of Ethics, and pay an Annual Maintenance Fee (AMF).

Related Technology Terms

  • Information Security Management
  • Cybersecurity Risk Assessment
  • Identity and Access Management
  • Incident Response Planning
  • Security Architecture and Engineering

Sources for More Information


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