Certified Novell Engineer

Definition of Certified Novell Engineer

Certified Novell Engineer (CNE) is a professional certification program by Novell, Inc., which mainly focuses on managing and maintaining Novell-based networking solutions. Individuals with this certification have demonstrated their expertise in networking, specifically with Novell products such as NetWare and eDirectory. The CNE credential validates their ability to perform advanced administration tasks, troubleshoot, and resolve issues in a Novell network environment.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Certified Novell Engineer” is:sər-ˈtī-fīd noʊ-ˈvel ˈen-jə-ˌnir

Key Takeaways

  1. Certified Novell Engineer (CNE) is a professional certification program providing training and education in Novell technologies, such as Open Enterprise Server and GroupWise.
  2. CNE certified professionals possess the knowledge and technical expertise to design, implement, and troubleshoot Novell network systems, ensuring efficient network operations and security.
  3. CNE certification can enhance an individual’s career prospects by demonstrating competency in the IT industry, making them more attractive to potential employers and increasing their earning potential.

Importance of Certified Novell Engineer

The term Certified Novell Engineer (CNE) is important because it represents a prestigious certification awarded by Novell, a leading networking software company.

It signifies that the individual holding this certification has gone through rigorous training and has demonstrated advanced knowledge and abilities in the installation, configuration, maintenance, and troubleshooting of Novell networks, primarily revolving around Novell NetWare or Open Enterprise Server environments.

As a result, organizations seeking highly skilled professionals to manage their Novell-based networks can rely on CNE-certified individuals to ensure optimal network performance, capacity, and security.

This certification not only acts as a benchmark for quality but also fosters trust and credibility between employers and IT professionals, leading to better career opportunities and higher standards in the IT industry.


Certified Novell Engineer (CNE) is a professional certification program created by Novell, a global software and services company specializing in network operating systems and directory services. The primary purpose of this certification is to recognize IT professionals who have demonstrated exceptional skills and knowledge in managing, maintaining, and troubleshooting Novell networks and systems.

Being a Certified Novell Engineer signifies that an individual is well-versed in Novell products, such as NetWare, GroupWise, and ZENworks, and is capable of providing solutions to maintain seamless network operations and ensure optimal performance. CNE certification plays an essential role in the IT industry by validating an individual’s expertise and improving their career prospects.

Certified Novell Engineers are sought after by companies that require certified professionals to design, implement, and manage their Novell networking infrastructure effectively. The CNE certification program covers various aspects of networking, such as server installation, network security, disaster recovery, and efficient troubleshoot management.

By earning the CNE certification, IT professionals prove their competence in utilizing Novell technologies, making them valuable assets to organizations aiming for enhanced network stability, security, and efficiency.

Examples of Certified Novell Engineer

The Certified Novell Engineer (CNE) certification focuses on the skills required to manage and maintain networks that use Novell’s NetWare and other related technologies. This certification is no longer active, but it was popular during the 1990s and early 2000s. Here are three real-world examples of the technology:

Company Network Management: A medium-sized business in the late 1990s might have employed a Certified Novell Engineer to manage their NetWare-based computer network. The CNE would have been responsible for installing and configuring servers, setting up file sharing and permissions, managing network security, and ensuring the smooth performance of the network.

Educational Institutions: During the 1990s, many schools and universities used Novell’s NetWare to manage their computer networks. A CNE would have been responsible for installing and maintaining the network infrastructure, helping to create a secure environment for students, faculty, and staff to access resources, and troubleshooting any issues with the network.

Healthcare: In the late 1990s and early 2000s, healthcare organizations, such as hospitals and clinics, also relied on Novell NetWare for their computer networks. A Certified Novell Engineer in this setting would have managed the network to facilitate secure access to vital patient information, laboratory results, and other medical records. The CNE would also have been responsible for maintaining HIPAA compliance in the network environment.

Certified Novell Engineer (CNE) FAQ

1. What is a Certified Novell Engineer (CNE)?

A Certified Novell Engineer (CNE) is a professional certification awarded by Novell to individuals who demonstrate proficiency in the installation, configuration, and administration of Novell networking products such as Novell eDirectory and NetWare.

2. What are the requirements to obtain the CNE certification?

To obtain the CNE certification, candidates must pass several required exams that demonstrate their understanding and mastery of Novell products, services, and solutions. These exams cover topics such as networking concepts, eDirectory, network management, and security.

3. How can I prepare for the CNE certification?

There are a variety of resources available to help you prepare for the CNE certification, including online courses, books, and study guides. Many training centers also offer instructor-led courses that cover the required exam topics in-depth.

4. How long is the CNE certification valid for?

The CNE certification is valid for two years. After this period, certified professionals must renew their certification by completing the required continuing education credits (CECs) or by passing the relevant re-certification exams.

5. What are the benefits of becoming a Certified Novell Engineer?

There are several benefits to obtaining the CNE certification, including increased job opportunities, career growth, and industry recognition. Certified Novell Engineers are highly sought after by organizations for their expertise in managing and maintaining Novell networking environments. Additionally, CNE certification can help you stand out among your peers and showcase your commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

Related Technology Terms

  • Network Operating Systems
  • Novell Directory Services
  • GroupWise
  • ZENworks
  • Novell Access Manager

Sources for More Information


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