Change Owner

Definition of Change Owner

A Change Owner in technology refers to an individual or a group responsible for managing and implementing a specific change or update within a system or project. This person or team ensures the change follows proper procedures, meets the required objectives, and minimizes disruptions to the existing operations. The Change Owner often plays a vital role in change management processes, overseeing the transition and ensuring its success.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Change Owner” would be:Change: [tʃeɪndʒ]Owner: [ˈoʊnər]

Key Takeaways

  1. Change Owners are responsible for driving and managing the change process, ensuring that it is carried out smoothly and effectively.
  2. Change Owners facilitate communication, training, and support for staff who are impacted by the change, helping to minimize resistance and negative impacts.
  3. Change Owners work closely with stakeholders, including management and affected employees, to monitor and measure the success of the change, making adjustments as necessary to achieve desired results.

Importance of Change Owner

The term “Change Owner” is important in the technology industry because it refers to the individual or entity responsible for overseeing and managing the implementation of changes within a system, project, or organization.

As technology evolves rapidly, it is crucial to have a designated change owner who can ensure that upgrades, modifications, and improvements are meticulously planned, executed, and reviewed to prevent disruptions, system failures, or potential setbacks.

The change owner also plays a significant role in enabling effective communication and coordination among stakeholders, as they possess the authority to approve and prioritize changes.

By having a knowledgeable and accountable change owner, organizations can adopt new technologies, maintain system stability, and optimize efficiency while minimizing risks and unintended consequences.


Change Owner, a key figure in the IT service management and change management process, plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth implementation of changes within an organization. The primary purpose of assigning change ownership is to guarantee that changes, typically to the IT infrastructure, are efficiently monitored, coordinated, and carried out to minimize potential disruptions to the business.

Whether it involves upgrading software, implementing new systems or processes, or making hardware adjustments, the Change Owner is responsible for managing and overseeing the entire lifecycle of change. The Change Owner acts as a liaison between various stakeholders involved in the change, such as IT teams, end-users, and management, ensuring clear communication and collaboration among them.

Their responsibilities include evaluating the potential impact of the proposed change, validating and prioritizing change requests, and setting realistic expectations for the outcome of the change. Furthermore, the Change Owner oversees the planning, execution, and documentation of change initiatives while actively monitoring their progress to deliver the desired results.

By effectively managing the change process, the Change Owner helps ensure the organization can adapt to evolving technological landscapes, mitigate risks, and improve overall efficiency without compromising critical business operations.

Examples of Change Owner

“Change Owner” is a term that typically refers to a key stakeholder responsible for ensuring the successful implementation of a change within an organization. While it is not a specific technology, it is a role that is often used in project management and Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) landscapes, such as ITIL, Agile methodology, and DevOps frameworks. Below are three real-world examples illustrating how change ownership is utilized in IT-service-related scenarios.

Software Upgrade Implementation: At a software development company, the developers are set to upgrade a major product for their clients. The Change Owner, a product manager, is responsible for ensuring that the new update is adequately tested and ready for deployment. They will liaise with various teams, such as development, quality assurance, and support, to ensure that the updated software is successfully delivered to clients and any potential issues are promptly addressed.

IT Infrastructure Migration: In this example, a large corporation is planning to move their internal IT infrastructure from on-premises servers to cloud-based services. The Change Owner, likely the IT project manager, is responsible for overseeing the entire migration process and coordinating with various teams and vendors involved in the migration. They ensure that all aspects of the transition are considered and documented and that the migration occurs efficiently, securely, and with minimal disruption to the company’s day-to-day operations.

Cybersecurity Policy Update: An organization is implementing a new IT security policy to handle an emerging type of cyber threat. The Change Owner, likely the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or an IT security manager, is responsible for rolling out the new policy, ensuring that all relevant stakeholders are informed of the changes, and monitoring the policy’s effectiveness in deterring the new threat. They may also be responsible for conducting employee training sessions and updating the organization’s incident response plan accordingly.

FAQ: Change Owner

1. How do I change the owner of a file or folder?

To change the owner of a file or folder, you will need to have administrative privileges or access to the original owner’s account. On most operating systems, you can change ownership by right-clicking on the file or folder, selecting ‘Properties’, and then navigating to the ‘Security’ tab. From there, you can modify the owner and permissions as needed.

2. What are the effects of changing the owner of a file or folder?

When you change the owner of a file or folder, you are transferring control and responsibility for that item. This means the new owner will have full access, including the ability to modify permissions, change contents, or delete the file or folder. It’s important to ensure that you trust the individual or group you are transferring ownership to before making any changes.

3. Can I change the owner of multiple files or folders at once?

Yes, it is possible to change the owner of multiple files or folders simultaneously. To do this, you will need to select all the items you wish to modify (using either the ‘Ctrl’ key on Windows or the ‘Cmd’ key on macOS), and then follow the same steps as outlined in question 1. Note that some operating systems may require slightly different methods or additional tools to accomplish this task.

4. How do I know who the current owner of a file or folder is?

To find out who the current owner of a file or folder is, you can check the properties of that item. Right-click on the file or folder, select ‘Properties’, and navigate to the ‘Security’ tab. The current owner will typically be listed under the ‘Owner’ section or within the list of user permissions. Keep in mind that some operating systems may display this information in different ways or require additional methods to access it.

5. Can the original owner regain ownership once the owner has been changed?

Yes, the original owner can regain ownership of a file or folder after the owner has changed. However, this will require administrative access or the assistance of the new owner. The process is the same as changing the owner for the first time, as described in question 1. Keep in mind that changing ownership repeatedly can lead to confusion and potential data loss, so it’s important to consider these implications carefully.

Related Technology Terms

  • ITIL Change Management
  • Service Management
  • Change Advisory Board (CAB)
  • Request for Change (RFC)
  • Change Implementation

Sources for More Information

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