
Circuit Bending

Definition of Circuit Bending

Circuit bending is the creative modification of electronic devices, usually battery-operated toys or low-voltage musical instruments, to create new sounds or functionalities not originally intended by the manufacturer. This is done by altering the circuitry within the device through various techniques, such as adding or rewiring components. The process often involves experimentation and results in unique, unpredictable sonic outputs.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Circuit Bending” would be: /ˈsɝː.kɪt ˈbɛn.dɪŋ/

Key Takeaways

  1. Circuit bending is a creative process that involves manipulating electronic devices to produce unique sounds or visuals.
  2. It often involves experimentation with connecting different components in unintended ways, such as short-circuiting, rewiring, and using switches or potentiometers.
  3. Circuit benders often repurpose low-cost, second-hand electronic devices like toys and keyboards for their projects, with an emphasis on creativity and resourcefulness.

Importance of Circuit Bending

Circuit bending is important in the realm of technology as it encourages creativity, experimentation, and innovation by repurposing and modifying existing electronic devices to produce unique sounds and visual effects.

As an unconventional approach to electronic engineering, it allows artists, hobbyists, and inventors to explore the hidden potential of various gadgets, often creating unexpected, groundbreaking results.

Circuit bending fosters out-of-the-box thinking and resourcefulness, contributing to the advancement of technology by demonstrating the intrinsic value of exploring the limits of electronic circuits and devices beyond their original applications.


Circuit bending is an inventive and experimental approach to electronic sound manipulation, primarily utilized by artists, musicians, and hobbyists to create unique soundscapes and musical inventions. At its core, circuit bending involves repurposing and manipulating the electronic components of discarded or inexpensive electronic devices, such as keyboards, toys, and music players.

By utilizing a trial-and-error methodology, circuit benders uncover interesting sonic possibilities that these devices were not originally designed to produce. This repurposing, or “hacking,” of the device’s original circuitry serves as an expressive outlet for the individual, fostering a sense of exploration and innovation, as the unique functionalities of each bent instrument depend on the relationship between the modder and the original artifact.

The purpose and appeal of circuit bending lies in its celebration of experimentation and the unexpected wonders that arise from repurposing and modifying everyday electronics. Circuit bending emphasizes an intimate interaction with the internal workings of electronic devices, offering an unconventional understanding of the relationship between the physical nature of electronic components and the auditory realm.

Furthermore, circuit bending bridges the gap between traditional sound design principles and reflexive artistic practice, often leading to the creation of new and innovative electronic instruments and augmented sound forms. In embracing serendipitous discoveries and celebrating DIY creative spirit, circuit bending has sparked a subculture of electronic music enthusiasts and tinkerers who engage in these explorations as an art form, seeking to push boundaries of sound production and ignite a fascination for e-waste recycling and environmental sustainability simultaneously.

Examples of Circuit Bending

Circuit bending is the creative customization of electronic devices, usually low-cost battery-operated toys and keyboards, to create new musical or visual instruments and sound generators. Here are three real-world examples of circuit bending applications:

Speak and Spell: One of the most famous examples of circuit bending is the modification of a classic 1980s educational toy, the Texas Instruments Speak and Spell. Musicians and artists have been taking these devices and manipulating their circuitry to generate unique sounds, glitchy beats, and experimental soundscapes. This has resulted in Speak and Spell devices being featured in various modern tracks and performances, including those by well-known artist Aphex Twin.

Casio SK-1: The Casio SK-1 is a cheap, portable sampler/keyboard from the 1980s, which is a popular choice for circuit bending. By modifying the internal circuitry, musicians and artists can create a wide range of new sounds, from warped, haunting voices to pulsating techno rhythms. The band Nine Inch Nails has used circuit-bent Casio SK-1 keyboards in their music.

Bent Festival: The international Bent Festival is an annual event that celebrates the art of circuit bending. It features workshops, installations, and performances by artists using their custom-modified electronic devices. This exhibition brings together a diverse community of musicians, artists, and enthusiasts who share their creative projects and offer an insight into the world of circuit bending, showcasing its potential as a powerful artistic medium.

Circuit Bending FAQ

1. What is Circuit Bending?

Circuit bending is the creative manipulation and re-purposing of electronic devices to produce new sounds or visual effects. It involves experimenting with electronic circuits, often in old electronic toys, keyboards, or other devices, by adding components, short-circuiting certain parts, or modifying their internal wiring.

2. How do I get started with Circuit Bending?

Start by researching and learning about basic electronics and circuitry. Then, gather some cheap electronic toys or devices and disassemble them to access their internal circuitry. There is a wealth of information online in tutorials, forums, and video guides that can help you with specific techniques and tips as you begin experimenting with circuit bending.

3. What tools and materials do I need for Circuit Bending?

Basic tools and materials for circuit bending include a soldering iron, solder, wire cutters, a multimeter, and jumper wires. You may also need other components such as potentiometers, capacitors, resistors, switches, or audio jacks, depending on the desired modifications to the device.

4. Is Circuit Bending dangerous?

While circuit bending can involve working with electronic devices, the risk of injury is generally low if you follow proper safety procedures. This includes unplugging the device before working on it, avoiding circuits that may have high voltages, and using caution with sharp tools and soldering irons. Additionally, it’s important to remember that modifying a device may void its warranty or make it nonfunctional, so only work on devices that you are comfortable potentially damaging.

5. How can I learn more about Circuit Bending?

There are many online resources available for learning about circuit bending, including tutorials, forums, and video guides. You may also be able to find in-person workshops, classes, or meet-up groups where you can learn from experienced circuit benders and share ideas with others who share your interest.

Related Technology Terms

  • Hardware Hacking
  • Electronic Sound Manipulation
  • Resistor Bridges
  • DIY Synthesizers
  • Experimental Music Devices

Sources for More Information


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