

Definition of Click-and-Mortar

Click-and-mortar, also known as bricks-and-clicks, is a business model that combines both online (clicks) and offline (mortar) operations. It refers to businesses with both an e-commerce presence, like a website or online store, and a physical retail location, such as a brick-and-mortar store. This hybrid approach allows businesses to leverage the advantages of both online and in-person shopping experiences for their customers.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Click-and-Mortar” is: /ˈklɪk ənd ˈmɔːrtər/

Key Takeaways

  1. Click-and-Mortar combines the advantages of both physical and online stores, offering a seamless shopping experience for customers.
  2. Businesses utilizing Click-and-Mortar can reach a wider audience, improve customer engagement, and increase overall sales potential.
  3. Successful Click-and-Mortar strategies incorporate a strong online presence, effective inventory management, and innovative in-store experiences to stand out in the competitive retail landscape.

Importance of Click-and-Mortar

The term “Click-and-Mortar” is important because it describes a business model that effectively combines the strengths of both online and offline retail channels.

In this model, businesses strategically integrate their physical stores with their online presence, providing customers with a seamless shopping experience.

This hybrid approach enables businesses to leverage the increased reach, convenience, and cost-effectiveness of e-commerce while maintaining the tangible benefits of physical stores, such as the ability to offer personalized customer service, in-person product demonstrations, and immediate gratification of purchase.

Ultimately, click-and-mortar businesses benefit from improved customer engagement, enhanced competitive advantage, and stronger brand loyalty, making this concept a critical component in the modern retail landscape.


Click-and-Mortar, an innovative business model, serves the purpose of providing a seamless shopping experience to customers by combining the advantages of both physical and online retail spaces. The main purpose behind the adoption of this approach is to cater to the wide-ranging preferences of consumers, who may desire the convenience of online shopping or the personal touch of local stores. By extending their presence through digital channels, brick-and-mortar businesses can enhance their market reach and connect with new customer segments.

Simultaneously, this model enables businesses to capitalize on their physical establishments by offering exclusive services such as pick-up points or return facilities. This strategic synergy thus enables companies to create a holistic experience through cross-channel integration and maintain a competitive edge in the constantly evolving retail landscape. Moreover, Click-and-Mortar businesses leverage the power of digital analytics, enabling them to collect valuable customer data to strategize in-store experiences better.

They benefit from improved customer targeting and personalization, fueling marketing strategies that are more responsive to customer preferences and trends in real-time. Furthermore, by driving loyalty through integrated loyalty programs and promotions, these businesses achieve a blend of convenience and engagement for shoppers who seek both online and offline experiences. In utilizing this model, retailers are better equipped to address the evolving needs and expectations of customers, ultimately resulting in expanded market share and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Examples of Click-and-Mortar

Click-and-mortar, also known as bricks-and-clicks, is a business model that combines both physical (brick-and-mortar) stores and online (e-commerce) platforms. Here are three real-world examples of companies that employ this business model:

Walmart: Walmart is one of the largest retail chains globally, with a strong presence in the physical store market. However, they also have a robust e-commerce platform,, which offers a wide range of products, including groceries, clothing, and electronics. Customers can choose to shop in-store, order products online for home delivery or in-store pickup, or even use the Walmart Grocery app for store pickup.

Best Buy: Best Buy is a leading consumer electronics retailer with a vast physical store network across the United States. Best Buy’s e-commerce platform,, offers consumers the ability to shop for products online and choose between home delivery or in-store pickup. The website also provides detailed product information, customer reviews, and access to their customer support network, adding value to the overall shopping experience.

Apple: Apple is a prime example of a company that thrives with a click-and-mortar business model. While Apple operates numerous physical retail locations worldwide called “Apple Stores,” they also have a strong online presence via their e-commerce platform, allows customers to purchase the complete range of Apple products and accessories and offers customer support and device repair services. The website also allows customers to schedule appointments at Apple Stores for personal support, creating a seamless integration between their online and physical operations.

Click-and-Mortar FAQ

1. What is Click-and-Mortar?

Click-and-Mortar is a business model that integrates both online (clicks) and offline (bricks) presences, allowing companies to leverage the advantages of both channels. It combines the convenience of online shopping with the personal touch and physical experience offered by brick-and-mortar stores.

2. What are the advantages of Click-and-Mortar?

Click-and-Mortar has several advantages, including increased visibility, improved customer service, and enhanced convenience. It allows businesses to provide a seamless and consistent experience in both the digital and physical worlds, creating a competitive advantage, generating more customer satisfaction, and improving customer retention.

3. What industries can benefit from Click-and-Mortar?

Almost any industry can adopt a Click-and-Mortar strategy. It is especially beneficial for retail, restaurants, banking, education, healthcare, and other services that can offer both online and offline touchpoints to their customer base.

4. How do businesses implement a Click-and-Mortar strategy?

Businesses implementing a Click-and-Mortar model need to establish a strong online presence through an optimised website, mobile applications, and social media channels. They also need to ensure they have an efficient supply chain, effective inventory management, and streamlined order fulfilment processes to integrate their online and physical components seamlessly.

5. What are the challenges of adopting a Click-and-Mortar model?

Adopting a Click-and-Mortar model can be challenging, as businesses need to invest in advanced technology, adapt to continuously changing customer preferences, manage inventory across multiple channels, and balance investments in both online and offline platforms. Additionally, finding the right balance between digital and physical experiences is crucial to success.

Related Technology Terms

  • Omnichannel Retailing
  • Brick-and-Click
  • E-commerce Integration
  • Physical and Digital Storefronts
  • Multi-channel Retail Strategy

Sources for More Information


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