Clickwrap Agreement

Definition of Clickwrap Agreement

A clickwrap agreement, also known as a clickthrough agreement, is a digital contract that requires users to actively accept or consent to terms and conditions before accessing a website, software, or online service. This is typically achieved by clicking an “I Agree” or “Accept” button or a checkbox. The purpose of a clickwrap agreement is to legally bind users to a set of rules or guidelines and protect the provider’s intellectual property and liabilities.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Clickwrap Agreement” is: klɪk-ræp əˈgriːmənt

Key Takeaways

  1. Clickwrap Agreements are legally binding contracts that require users to actively agree to the terms and conditions presented in a digital format, often by clicking a button or checking a box.
  2. They are commonly used for software licenses, online transactions, and website registration, as they provide a straightforward way to obtain user consent and ensure legal enforceability.
  3. To be enforceable, Clickwrap Agreements should be clearly presented, easily accessible, and provide users with the option to read, accept, or decline the terms and conditions.

Importance of Clickwrap Agreement

The technology term “Clickwrap Agreement” is important because it establishes a legally binding contract between the user and the service provider in digital environments.

It streamlines the agreement process and enables users to provide their consent to terms, conditions, or policies with a simple click on a button or checkbox.

This quick and efficient method protects both parties by ensuring users acknowledge they have read and understood the terms of service or privacy policy before using the software, application, or online platform.

Clickwrap agreements enhance the user experience while offering legal safeguards for the service provider, mitigating potential disputes and promoting trust in online interactions.


A clickwrap agreement, in its essence, serves as a legally binding contract between two parties: the user, who is accessing or using a website, application, or software, and the provider of that digital product or service. The main purpose of a clickwrap agreement is to establish a clear and mutual understanding of the various terms and conditions associated with using the product or service, encompassing critical aspects such as privacy, intellectual property, data usage, and user conduct.

Typically, users are prompted to accept or agree to these terms by clicking a button or checkbox before being able to access or use the digital offering, thus giving the agreement its name. These agreements have become fundamental to the functioning of the internet, both for businesses and consumers, as they help establish trust, promote transparency, and minimize legal risks.

Because clickwrap agreements are electronic, their legal validity is essential to this type of contract. To ensure enforceability, these agreements need to be conspicuous, comprehensible, and easily accessible, leaving negligible room for users to claim ignorance of the associated terms.

It is also crucial to give the user the option to decline if they disagree with any part of the terms, adding an element of choice and fairness. In this manner, clickwrap agreements serve as a bedrock for protecting the interests of both the user and the service provider in today’s digital landscape, and play a vital role in minimizing disputes arising from the use of various internet-based products or services.

Examples of Clickwrap Agreement

Online Shopping Platforms: When you sign up for an online shopping platform like Amazon or eBay, you typically have to accept their terms of service, which include a clickwrap agreement. This agreement is presented as a checkbox that requires the user to click on “I agree” in order to proceed. By clicking this, users accept the terms and conditions outlined by the platform, such as shipping and return policies, usage guidelines, and privacy policies.

Software Installation: When installing new software or updating the software on your computer or device—such as an operating system, antivirus program, or a productivity tool—you will often encounter a clickwrap agreement. Before you can install or update the software, you need to read and click “I agree” to the terms and conditions, which might involve limitations on copying, usage policies, and warranty disclaimers. This ensures that users understand their legal obligations and the software provider’s rights before using the product.

Social Media Platforms: When creating a new account or updating existing information on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, users must agree to the terms of service, which include a clickwrap agreement. By clicking “I agree,” users accept the privacy policies and community guidelines for that platform, agreeing to follow the rules and regulations governing the use of the platform. This can include content restrictions, data usage policies, and how personal information is collected and stored.

FAQ – Clickwrap Agreement

What is a Clickwrap Agreement?

A Clickwrap Agreement is a type of digital contract, often used in online transactions, where users must click a button or check a box to show their acceptance of the terms and conditions. The user is typically required to agree to the terms before being allowed access to a website, application, or service.

Why are Clickwrap Agreements important?

Clickwrap Agreements are important because they provide a legally binding contract between a user and the service provider. They protect the provider by ensuring that the user has read and agreed to the terms and conditions of the service before using it. This can help prevent disputes and allow the provider to enforce the terms of the agreement if necessary.

What is the difference between a Clickwrap Agreement and a Browsewrap Agreement?

A Clickwrap Agreement requires the user to actively agree to the terms and conditions by clicking a button or checking a box, while a Browsewrap Agreement involves passive acceptance. In a Browsewrap Agreement, the terms are usually accessible via a hyperlink, and the user’s continued use of the website or service indicates their agreement to the terms. Clickwrap Agreements are generally more enforceable because they require the user to take action to agree to the terms.

How can I implement a Clickwrap Agreement on my website or application?

To implement a Clickwrap Agreement, you will need to include a checkbox or button near the relevant terms and conditions. You should also ensure that the user cannot proceed without agreeing to the terms. This can be done by disabling access to the website or application until the user clicks the button or checkbox, or by including a validation check in your site’s code to ensure the agreement has been accepted.

Is a Clickwrap Agreement legally enforceable?

Yes, Clickwrap Agreements are generally considered legally enforceable if they are clear, conspicuous, and easily understandable. The user must be presented with the agreement in a manner that makes it apparent they are entering into a contractual relationship. However, the enforceability of a Clickwrap Agreement may vary depending on local jurisdiction and the specific terms included in the agreement.

Related Technology Terms

  • Electronic Signature
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Online Contract
  • User Consent
  • Acceptance Button

Sources for More Information


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