Clipboard Hijacking Attack

Definition of Clipboard Hijacking Attack

Clipboard hijacking attack refers to a malicious cybersecurity exploit, where an attacker illicitly gains access to a user’s clipboard data and modifies or steals its content. This type of attack usually targets sensitive information like passwords, personally identifiable information (PII), or cryptocurrency wallet addresses. Clipboard hijacking can occur through the use of malware or browser-based vulnerabilities, putting user’s privacy and assets at risk.


The phonetics of the keyword “Clipboard Hijacking Attack” would be:K-L-I-P-B-O-R-D / H-I-J-A-K-I-N-G / A-T-A-KPronounced as:Klip-bord / hi-jak-ing / at-tak

Key Takeaways

  1. Clipboard hijacking attacks occur when malicious software infiltrates a user’s device and intercepts, alters, or replaces the content of the clipboard without the user’s consent or knowledge.
  2. These attacks can lead to sensitive data theft, spread of malware, and even financial loss if users accidentally paste manipulated data, like modified wallet addresses for cryptocurrencies transactions.
  3. To prevent clipboard hijacking, users should keep their software and antivirus programs updated, avoid visiting suspicious websites or clicking on unverified links, and double-check the pasted content to ensure its accuracy before proceeding.

Importance of Clipboard Hijacking Attack

The term “Clipboard Hijacking Attack” is important because it refers to a malicious technique used by cybercriminals to compromise the data stored temporarily in a user’s clipboard.

This type of attack poses significant threats to users’ security and privacy, as it can lead to unauthorized access and manipulation of sensitive information such as login credentials or personal data.

Additionally, clipboard hijacking can enable the execution of further malicious activities, like replacing cryptocurrency addresses to steal funds or spreading malware.

Understanding and addressing the risks associated with clipboard hijacking attacks are crucial to maintaining robust cybersecurity measures and safeguarding users from potentially severe consequences.


Clipboard hijacking attack is a malevolent tactic employed by cybercriminals, aimed at intercepting, modifying, or replacing the information contained within a user’s clipboard. The main purpose of such an attack is to manipulate data that users copy-paste during their day-to-day digital operations, with a specific focus on sensitive information such as online banking credentials, passwords, and cryptocurrency addresses.

By exploiting vulnerabilities in web browsers or operating systems, attackers can deceive unsuspecting users into providing their valuable information, which can then lead to unauthorized access to accounts, financial losses, or identity theft. Over recent years, the prevalence of clipboard hijacking attacks has grown in tandem with the increasing reliance on digital transactions and cryptocurrency usage.

In particular, this type of attack is highly effective against those who frequently perform online transactions involving cryptocurrencies, as altering a crypto wallet address in the victim’s clipboard can redirect funds to the attacker’s wallet without any visible indications of tampering. To safeguard oneself against such attacks, users should remain vigilant, employ security best practices, and verify critical information, like wallet addresses, before completing transactions.

Installing reputable security software and regularly updating web browsers and operating systems can also help mitigate the risk of falling victim to clipboard hijacking attacks.

Examples of Clipboard Hijacking Attack

In 2017, a clipboard hijacking malware, called CryptoShuffler, targeted cryptocurrency users to steal funds from their wallets. As users typically copy and paste cryptocurrency wallet addresses, CryptoShuffler would replace the copied wallet address with its own, causing users to accidentally transfer funds to the attacker’s wallet without realizing it. This malware reportedly stole over $150,000 worth of cryptocurrency.

In 2018, security researchers discovered a clipboard hijacker called Evrial. This malicious software infected users’ computers to monitor their system clipboard for any copied text matching a bitcoin address. If a bitcoin address was detected, Evrial would replace it with the attacker’s bitcoin address. This method allowed attackers to steal funds by redirecting cryptocurrency transactions to their wallets. Evrial was sold on underground forums, enabling other attackers to use it for similar purposes.

In 2020, a clipboard hijacking malware, Qulab, was found to be targeting Windows users in order to steal their personal information and cryptocurrency wallet addresses. Qulab would replace the victim’s copied data with a specifically formatted address, tricking the target user into transferring their cryptocurrency to the attacker’s wallet instead. This Trojan also had the ability to steal browser data, including usernames, passwords, and browsing histories.

FAQ: Clipboard Hijacking Attack

What is a Clipboard Hijacking Attack?

A Clipboard Hijacking Attack is a type of malicious activity where attackers take control of a user’s clipboard and modify its content without the user’s knowledge. This can be done with the help of malware or browser-based scripts, allowing attackers to insert unwanted data or even steal sensitive information from the clipboard.

How does a Clipboard Hijacking Attack work?

Attackers use different methods to gain control over a user’s clipboard. One common method is by embedding malicious scripts in websites or ads. When a user visits such a site or clicks on the ad, the script gets executed and hijacks the clipboard. The script may then monitor the clipboard for sensitive information or change the content before a user pastes it elsewhere.

What information can be stolen or manipulated in a Clipboard Hijacking Attack?

In a Clipboard Hijacking Attack, any data that a user copies to their clipboard can be accessed and manipulated by the attacker. This can include sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers, and personal details. Attackers may also change the copied content to include malicious links or scripts to further spread their attack.

How can I protect myself from Clipboard Hijacking Attacks?

To protect yourself from Clipboard Hijacking Attacks, follow these tips:
1. Keep your browser and operating system updated to ensure that you have the latest security patches.
2. Use antivirus and antimalware software to scan your computer and remove threats.
3. Be cautious when visiting unfamiliar websites and avoid clicking on suspicious ads or links.
4. Try not to copy sensitive information to your clipboard, or clear your clipboard immediately after using such information.
5. Consider using a clipboard manager that provides additional security features.

What should I do if I become a victim of a Clipboard Hijacking Attack?

If you suspect that you have been a victim of a Clipboard Hijacking Attack, follow these steps:
1. Clear your clipboard to remove any malicious content.
2. Immediately change your passwords and other sensitive information that might have been compromised.
3. Scan your computer with antivirus and antimalware software to detect and remove any threats.
4. Report the incident to your organization’s security team (if applicable) or consider reporting it to relevant law enforcement agencies.
5. Be extra vigilant in the future and follow the recommended safety measures to protect yourself from such attacks.

Related Technology Terms

  • Malware
  • Cryptocurrency addresses
  • Keylogger
  • Phishing attack
  • Browser security

Sources for More Information

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