
Definition of CloudStack

CloudStack is an open-source cloud computing platform designed to create, manage, and deploy a variety of infrastructure services, including public, private, and hybrid cloud environments. Developed by Apache Software Foundation, CloudStack allows users to manage their virtualized resources, compute instances, and storage devices efficiently. It provides a robust, scalable, and user-friendly management interface for resource allocation, networking configurations, and user access permissions.


The phonetic pronunciation of “CloudStack” is:/klaʊdstæk/

Key Takeaways

  1. CloudStack is an open-source cloud computing platform that enables the creation, management, and deployment of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) environments.
  2. It provides an easy-to-use web interface, automation capabilities, and a powerful API for managing resources including compute, storage, network, and security services.
  3. CloudStack supports various hypervisors like KVM, VMware, XenServer, and Hyper-V, making it a versatile and scalable option for building both public and private clouds.

Importance of CloudStack

CloudStack is an important technology term due to its significance in the realm of cloud computing and management of resources.

As an open-source cloud platform, CloudStack allows businesses and users to efficiently manage and deploy large networks of virtual machines, ultimately offering Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solutions.

This simplifies operations, reduces costs, and provides flexibility by automating the creation, scaling, and administration of virtualized resources.

Additionally, its compatibility with numerous hypervisors and APIs expands its interoperability, making it a widely-adopted and valuable tool for cloud administrators and developers striving to optimize their IT infrastructures.


CloudStack serves as an open-source cloud computing platform designed to facilitate the efficient management of increasingly large and complex networks of virtual machine instances. Its primary purpose is to ensure that businesses and service providers have a seamless, efficient, and easily accessible means to create, deploy, and control scalable cloud environments.

By centralizing the resources and services necessary for cloud computing infrastructure, CloudStack enables organizations to offer on-demand services that can be rapidly provisioned and adapted to the evolving needs of their users. It facilitates streamlined cooperation between various cloud components, including computing, networking, and storage resources, leading to robust and highly available cloud deployments.

As an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) platform, CloudStack is used by businesses and service providers to reduce operational costs, enhance flexibility, and maximize resource utilization. Its comprehensive and intuitive API (Application Programming Interface) allows seamless integration with existing tools, third-party applications, and in-house systems, empowering organizations to build and manage multi-tier and multi-tenant cloud architectures that cater to diverse workloads.

Additionally, CloudStack’s support for a broad range of virtualization technologies, including VMware, KVM, Citrix XenServer, and Microsoft Hyper-V, ensures compatibility with various infrastructures. Simplifying the entire process of deployment, management, and administration, CloudStack plays a pivotal role in helping organizations transition to scalable and efficient cloud-based solutions.

Examples of CloudStack

BT Cloud Compute: BT, formerly known as British Telecom, is one of the world’s leading providers of telecommunications services and solutions. They use Apache CloudStack for their BT Cloud Compute service, which delivers a scalable and cost-effective cloud infrastructure to customers. This allows their clients to build, manage, and deploy secure applications in the cloud swiftly and ensures optimal performance for businesses.

Datapipe Managed Cloud: Datapipe, acquired by Rackspace in 2017, has been providing managed services for IT and cloud infrastructure to its customers by utilizing Apache CloudStack. Datapipe Managed Cloud ensures a reliable, scalable, and flexible cloud infrastructure that enables their customers to run applications and store data securely. The CloudStack platform allows Datapipe to offer Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), giving clients the ability to deploy virtual machines, manage networks, and store data conveniently.

LeaseWeb Cloud: LeaseWeb, an international hosting provider, utilizes Apache CloudStack to deliver its public and private cloud services. LeaseWeb offers a range of cloud solutions, from Virtual Private Servers (VPS) to Content Delivery Networks (CDN) and Dedicated Servers. By using CloudStack, LeaseWeb provides its customers with an easy-to-use, scalable, and flexible cloud platform for managing their applications, data, and resources. The platform also aids in cost-control and efficient resource allocation for businesses.

CloudStack FAQ

What is CloudStack?

CloudStack is an open-source cloud computing platform used for creating, managing, and deploying infrastructure cloud services. It is designed to make it easy and efficient to manage large networks of virtual machines, providing comprehensive cloud computing features for data centers and service providers.

What are the main features of CloudStack?

Some of the main features of CloudStack include a user-friendly web interface, support for various hypervisors, API compatibility with Amazon AWS, multi-tenancy, high availability, and scalability. It also supports advanced networking features, such as virtual private networks, load balancing, and network isolation.

Which hypervisors are supported by CloudStack?

CloudStack supports various hypervisors, including VMware, Oracle VM, KVM, XenServer, and Hyper-V. This allows users to select a hypervisor based on their requirements, preferences, and existing infrastructure.

How does CloudStack compare to other cloud management platforms?

CloudStack is often compared to other cloud management platforms like OpenStack and Eucalyptus. While all three platforms offer similar features, CloudStack is known for its stability and ease of use. Additionally, it is considered easier to deploy and manage compared to OpenStack, and it provides better AWS compatibility than Eucalyptus.

What are the system requirements for CloudStack?

CloudStack can be deployed on commodity hardware with a 64-bit x86 CPU, at least 4 GB of RAM, and 100 GB of free disk space. However, the actual requirements will depend on the scale and complexity of your cloud environment. When deploying CloudStack in a production environment, it is recommended to use separate hardware for the management server and the cloud infrastructure.

Related Technology Terms

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Cloud orchestration
  • Apache CloudStack
  • API-driven architecture
  • Virtual machine management

Sources for More Information


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