Code Division Multiple Access 2000


Code Division Multiple Access 2000 (CDMA2000) is a 3rd generation (3G) wireless communication standard that utilizes Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technology to send voice, data and signaling data between mobile phones and cell towers. This technology allows multiple signals to occupy a single transmission channel, optimizing the use of available bandwidth. It’s known for providing excellent coverage and high-speed data transmission.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Code Division Multiple Access 2000″ is:”Kohd Divizh-uhn Mul-ti-pl Aks-es Tuh-thauz-uhnd”

Key Takeaways

Sure, here you go:

  1. CDMA2000 is a mobile communication standard that utilizes Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technology. Its primary purpose is to increase network capacity and improve the quality of voice and data services.
  2. The CDMA2000 is highly efficient and flexible, allowing for more simultaneous transmissions on the same bandwidth, compared to other cellular technology standards. This makes it a better choice for networks with high user density.
  3. CDMA2000 provides a robust and seamless upgrade path from previous CDMA systems such as CDMAOne and IS-95, which were important stepping stones in the development and commercialization of third-generation (3G) wireless technologies.

I hope you find this explanation useful. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.


Code Division Multiple Access 2000 (CDMA2000) is important because it represents a key technological advancement in the field of telecommunications. It is an upgrade from the earlier CDMA system and a standard for 3G mobile cellular service. CDMA2000 greatly increases the data transmission speed and capacity of wireless communications, fostering the development of advanced applications including multimedia services and internet access.

It offers improved call quality, broader coverage, and enhanced security. By enabling the efficient use of network resources, it reduces operational costs for telecommunication companies and provides a better user experience for consumers. Hence, CDMA2000 plays a significant role in the evolution of mobile technology.


Code Division Multiple Access 2000, commonly known as CDMA2000, is a digital wireless transmission standard, designed to enhance the capacity and performance of mobile telecommunications networks. The primary purpose of CDMA2000 is to allow multiple users to share the same spectrum, which is a limited and valuable resource, without causing interference. The technology achieves this by assigning a unique code to each user and spreading the data over a wide frequency band, hence the term ‘code division’.

In terms of usage, CDMA2000 has been predominantly used for 3G mobile telecommunications, allowing more seamless and efficient data and voice transfer compared to its 2G predecessors. The technology facilitates high-speed data transmission, making it ideal for mobile internet access, video streaming, and similar applications. It’s also recognized for its ability to provide service to a large number of users in populous urban areas, as well as its extensive coverage in rural and remote locations.

Therefore, CDMA2000 has helped pave the way for delivering feature-rich, data-intensive mobile services to consumers worldwide.


1. Mobile Telecommunications: CDMA2000 is widely used in mobile phones, especially in the Americas and parts of Asia. These devices use this technology to transmit and decode data, allowing clearer calls, faster internet connection, and more efficient use of bandwidth.

2. Wireless Internet: Some Internet Service Providers use CDMA2000 for their wireless internet service. It allows multiple users to access the internet at the same time without significant loss in speed or quality of the connection.

3. GPS Systems: Some GPS devices, especially those in automobiles, use CDMA2000 to provide accurate and efficient tracking. This technology enables the device to communicate with multiple satellites at once, improving its ability to provide precise location information.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Q1: What is Code Division Multiple Access 2000 (CDMA2000)?

A1: CDMA2000 is a third-generation (3G) mobile wireless technology. It’s an upgraded version of the earlier CDMA technology that offers improved capacity and quality of service, allowing more users to connect simultaneously.

Q2: How does CDMA2000 differ from earlier CDMA technology?

A2: CDMA2000 expands on the capabilities of the original CDMA technology, offering higher data transmission rates and capacity, improved voice quality, and the option to handle both voice and data simultaneously.

Q3: What are the types of CDMA2000?

A3: There are several classifications of CDMA2000, including CDMA2000 1X, CDMA2000 EV-DO, and CDMA2000 1xEV-DO Rev A/B. Each variant provides different levels of data and voice capacities and speeds.

Q4: What are the advantages of CDMA2000?

A4: CDMA2000 offers numerous advantages. It provides a larger capacity than earlier versions, allowing more users on a network, offers high-quality voice and data communication, backwards compatibility with previous CDMA technologies, and efficient use of bandwidth.

Q5: Can CDMA2000 phones be used on all mobile networks?

A5: No, CDMA2000 phones can only be used on networks which support this specific technology. They are not compatible with GSM networks, which are more common worldwide.

Q6: What is the maximum speed of CDMA2000?

A6: The maximum data transfer speed varies based on the specific iteration of CDMA2000. For example, CDMA2000 1X supports up to 144 kbps, while CDMA2000 EV-DO can reach peak speeds of 2.4 Mbps.

Q7: Is CDMA2000 still in use today?

A7: In several countries, including the United States, service providers have largely phased out CDMA2000 in favor of newer technologies like 4G LTE and 5G. However, it may still be in use in certain areas or countries.

Related Finance Terms

    • CDMA2000 1xRTT
    • Multi-Carrier CDMA
    • 3G Wireless Technology
  • EV-DO (Evolution Data Optimized)
  • IS-2000 Interface Standard

Sources for More Information


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