

An infomediary is an intermediary entity or organization that gathers, processes, and provides information to facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers in a market. It typically collects data from multiple sources and harnesses this information to create a more efficient and personalized user experience. Infomediaries play a significant role in online commerce by offering tailored purchasing recommendations, price comparisons, and product research for consumers.


The phonetics of the keyword “Infomediary” can be represented as: /ˌɪnfoʊˈmiːdiəri/

Key Takeaways

  1. Infomediaries act as intermediaries between consumers and businesses, collecting user data to provide personalized and relevant information, products, or services to their clients.
  2. They can improve online experiences for consumers by reducing information overload, while also offering valuable insights to businesses, effectively streamlining the marketing process.
  3. Privacy concerns can arise from the collection and sharing of user data, making it crucial for infomediaries to adhere to legal regulations and maintain transparent communication with users about their privacy policies.


The term “infomediary” is important because it represents a vital role in the modern technology landscape that acts as an intermediary between various parties involved in data transactions.

Infomediaries collect, process, and analyze vast amounts of information available through internet search engines, social media platforms, and e-commerce sites to make it valuable, accessible, and interpretable for users.

By doing so, these intermediaries help streamline decision-making, facilitate personalized communication and services, and ensure that users have access to relevant and high-quality information.

This process fosters a more transparent and efficient digital ecosystem, enabling businesses to make well-informed decisions and better serve the needs of their customers, thereby creating a more interconnected and dynamic technological environment.


Infomediaries serve a vital role in the digital landscape by acting as an intermediary between consumers and businesses, aggregating and curating relevant information for each party. The purpose of an infomediary is to bridge the gap between information seekers and providers in order to streamline the decision-making process and foster better-informed transactions. By gathering, organizing, and presenting data from multiple sources, infomediaries can enhance the value and relevance of information for their users.

As the demand for personalized experiences continues to grow, infomediaries have emerged as key players, enabling individuals and organizations to access tailored content, products, and services, and make informed choices that are in line with their specific interests and needs. The usefulness of infomediaries can be observed across various industries, such as e-commerce, online advertising, and travel booking. In these contexts, infomediary platforms offer targeted recommendations based on user preferences, demographic data, and past behaviors.

They may also provide comparative analyses, reviews, and expert advice to further support decision-making. Moreover, infomediaries have the potential to empower consumers by giving them greater control over their personal information and the way it is utilized by the third parties. For businesses, working with infomediaries can offer a more effective marketing approach through targeted advertising and precise customer segmentation.

Altogether, the infomediary model adds value to both consumers and businesses by streamlining information exchange, enhancing personalization, and fostering trust in the digital ecosystem.

Examples of Infomediary

Zillow: Zillow is an online real estate marketplace and infomediary that serves as a platform for connecting buyers, sellers, renters, and agents. They provide various data and insights related to properties, such as location, value estimates, photos, and neighborhood information. With the help of this technology, users can better make decisions about buying, selling, or renting homes. As a price comparison website and infomediary, helps users compare prices and features of various insurance policies, credit cards, loans, and other financial products. This platform aggregates information from different sources, presenting it in a user-friendly and intuitive manner, enabling customers to make informed decisions about their financial products and services.

TripAdvisor: TripAdvisor is a popular travel infomediary that offers user-generated reviews, ratings, and information about hotels, restaurants, attractions, and other travel-related services. This platform serves as a reliable source of information for people who are planning trips and vacations. By analyzing and filtering the experiences of other travelers, users can make informed decisions and choose the best accommodation, dining, and entertainment options for their needs.

Infomediary FAQ

What is an infomediary?

An infomediary is an organization or service that acts as an intermediary, collecting and providing information on behalf of consumers and businesses. This may include collecting data about consumer preferences and behavior, and then providing that data to businesses for marketing or research purposes.

How do infomediaries work?

Infomediaries work by collecting consumer information and preferences from a variety of sources, such as online forms, surveys, or website plugins. They then analyze, organize, and sell this information to businesses who can use it to better understand their target audiences and improve their products or services.

What are the benefits of using an infomediary?

Using an infomediary offers several benefits for both consumers and businesses. For consumers, infomediaries may provide personalized recommendations, offers, or content based on their preferences and behaviors. For businesses, infomediaries can offer valuable insights into consumer trends and preferences, allowing companies to make data-driven decisions and better target their marketing efforts.

What are some examples of infomediaries?

Some examples of infomediaries include market research companies, data brokers, and online comparison websites. These organizations collect and analyze consumer data to provide businesses with valuable insights and provide consumers with useful information to help them make more informed decisions.

Are there any concerns regarding the use of infomediaries?

As with any data collection service, there are concerns regarding privacy and the misuse of personal information. Infomediaries may collect sensitive data about consumers, and there is potential for this data to be mishandled or sold without user consent. To protect consumers and ensure ethical practices, it is essential for infomediaries to be transparent about their data collection and usage policies and adhere to relevant privacy regulations.

Related Technology Terms

  • Data Broker
  • Information Aggregator
  • Online Intermediary
  • Personal Data Marketplace
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Sources for More Information

  • Investopedia –
  • Techopedia –
  • Inc. Encyclopedia –
  • Forbes –

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