

Definition of Cyberchondriac

A cyberchondriac is an individual who excessively searches the internet for information about health or medical conditions, often fearing the worst or self-diagnosing inaccurately. This behavior can lead to unnecessary anxiety, stress, and sometimes even medical misinformation. Cyberchondria refers to the phenomenon itself, which combines elements of “cyber” (internet) and “hypochondria” (obsession with imagined health issues).


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Cyberchondriac” is /ËŒsaɪbÉ™rˈkÉ’ndriæk/.

Key Takeaways

  1. Cyberchondria refers to the excessive online searching for health information, leading to increased anxiety and fear about one’s health.
  2. It often results from misinterpreting medical information found online and can lead to self-diagnosis, self-treatment, and even doctor-shopping for validation of perceived health issues.
  3. To reduce the risk of cyberchondria, it is essential to use reputable sources for medical information, limit the time spent searching for health issues online, and consult a healthcare professional for any health concerns.

Importance of Cyberchondriac

The term “Cyberchondriac” is important because it highlights the growing concern around individuals excessively relying on the internet, particularly for self-diagnosing medical conditions.

With the increasingly easy access to medical information online, people may feel compelled to search for symptoms and diseases, often ending up with unwarranted anxiety and stress about their health.

This phenomenon leads to an overburdened healthcare system, wasted resources, and unnecessary stress on healthcare professionals.

Moreover, it underscores the necessity for educating people on how and where to find reliable health information online and emphasizing the importance of consulting medical professionals for accurate diagnoses and treatments.


The term Cyberchondriac refers to a person who frequently turns to the internet to self-diagnose medical conditions and symptoms, often leading to increased anxiety and unwarranted concern. Much like a hypochondriac, who is overly worried about their health despite reassurances from medical professionals, a Cyberchondriac relies heavily on online searching for reassurances or confirmation of illnesses.

This practice usually serves the purpose of providing quick answers or a sense of control over one’s own health concerns, but often exacerbates anxiety when misdiagnosing or reading into worst-case scenarios. Although using the internet as a primary source for healthcare information might seem convenient, Cyberchondria can interfere with a person’s overall well-being and may complicate the process of seeking appropriate medical care.

Instead of providing peace of mind, it often fuels one’s paranoia and perpetuates a cycle of endless searching for a definite diagnosis. Medical professionals highly discourage this practice, as it tends to escalate health concerns even in the absence of any real medical issue.

The term is a testament to both the potential pitfalls of over-relying on internet-based self-diagnoses and our contemporary society’s constant quest for knowledge and certainty in the digital age.

Examples of Cyberchondriac

The term “cyberchondriac” refers to a person who compulsively searches the internet for information about real or imagined symptoms, often leading to increased anxiety and stress based on the medical information they find. While the term itself isn’t a technology, it’s associated with digital health management and online health-seeking behavior. Here are three real-world examples related to the concept of cyberchondria:

Online Symptom Checkers: WebMD, Mayo Clinic, and many other healthcare websites allow users to input their symptoms and receive potential diagnoses. While these sites can be helpful for giving some general information about health concerns, they can exacerbate cyberchondriacs’ anxieties and lead to self-diagnosis and unnecessary worry.

Health-related Forums: Discussion forums like Reddit and MedHelp have dedicated spaces for users to share their health experiences and seek advice from others. Cyberchondriacs may frequent such forums to compare their symptoms with others, which often leads to increased anxiety and obsession surrounding their perceived health issues.

Social Media and Cyberchondria: Individuals may use social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to share health-related articles, stories, or personal experiences. When cyberchondriacs encounter this information, they might be more likely to over-analyze their symptoms and become preoccupied with potentially serious health issues that are not actually present.It’s important to note that while the internet offers many resources for gaining health-related knowledge, it’s crucial for individuals to consult with healthcare professionals to receive accurate diagnoses and appropriate treatments.

FAQs: Cyberchondriac

What is a cyberchondriac?

A cyberchondriac is a person who excessively researches health-related information online and becomes overly concerned about their health based on the information they find. This constant worry about having a serious illness is fueled by online diagnostic tools, medical websites, and health forums.

What are the dangers of being a cyberchondriac?

Becoming a cyberchondriac can lead to unnecessary stress, anxiety, and even depression. It can also result in the overuse of medical services due to persistent self-diagnosis or self-treatment, and can be harmful to overall mental wellbeing. In some cases, it may lead to the delay of proper medical diagnosis and treatment.

How can one avoid becoming a cyberchondriac?

To avoid becoming a cyberchondriac, it’s essential to limit the time spent researching health symptoms online and to always consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis. As a general rule, one should avoid self-diagnosing any symptoms based on online information, and focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular doctor visits.

Are there any reliable sources of health information online?

There are reputable sources of health information available online, such as government health departments, recognized medical associations, and established hospitals or medical institutions. The key is to verify the credibility of the source before trusting the information being provided.

What’s the difference between a cyberchondriac and a hypochondriac?

A cyberchondriac is specifically concerned with health issues they learn about online, whereas a hypochondriac is a person with a general excessive concern about their health, imagining they have serious illnesses based on minimal or imagined symptoms. Both types of individuals may experience increased anxiety and stress over their health, but the trigger for a cyberchondriac is online research.

Related Technology Terms

  • Health Anxiety
  • Online Medical Information
  • Self-Diagnosis
  • Digital Health Platforms
  • Cyberchondria

Sources for More Information


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