

Definition of Comment

In technology, a “comment” refers to a human-readable explanation or annotation within a code, written by developers to clarify the purpose or functionality of a specific code segment. Comments are ignored by compilers and interpreters and do not affect a program’s execution. They serve as important documentation to help developers easily understand and maintain the code.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Comment” is /ˈkÉ’mÉ›nt/.

Key Takeaways

  1. Comments provide useful information and explanations about the structure, functionality, and purpose of the code, making it easier for others to understand and maintain the codebase.
  2. They can be used to temporarily disable parts of the code when testing, debugging, or updating the code without the need to permanently delete it.
  3. However, excessive commenting can make the code difficult to read and maintain, so it’s important to find a balance between providing helpful information and avoiding information overload.

Importance of Comment

The technology term “comment” is important because it serves as an essential communication tool in the realm of programming, software development, and technology.

Comments are lines of text embedded within code that provide explanations, clarification, and context to other developers or users who read the code later on.

These remarks are ignored by the compiler or interpreter, thus not affecting the functionality of the code.

Comments help streamline the development process, encourage collaboration, and make it easier to understand, maintain, debug, and modify the code in the future.

By utilizing comments effectively, developers can create well-documented codes and applications that are successful and more efficient for both current and future team members.


The primary purpose of a comment in the realm of technology is to provide relevant information, clarification or explanation within a codebase. Comments offer a way for programmers to communicate with one another or even with their future selves, to make code more understandable and maintainable.

These annotations play a vital role in enhancing the readability of a program source code, as they supply context and offer insights into the thought process of the original author. Comments can be used to outline complex algorithms, describe the purpose of a piece of code, or provide guidance to future programmers on how the code operates, which can save time and minimize confusion later on.

Comments are essential for collaborative projects, as they allow developers to work together seamlessly while managing large sets of code. Furthermore, thorough commenting is especially helpful for developers when debugging, as it allows them to trace the logic behind the code and rapidly pinpoint issues or errors.

In addition to assisting fellow developers, comments often prove valuable in educating new team members or even non-technical stakeholders who wish to gain insight into a project. While comments facilitate collaboration and comprehension, it is crucial that they remain up-to-date and accurate, reflecting all changes and developments within the codebase.

Examples of Comment

Social Media Platforms: On popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, users can share their thoughts, images, videos, and news articles and engage with their connections through the comments feature. By allowing people to comment on others’ posts, these platforms facilitate discussions, feedback, and promote virtual interaction among users.

Blogs and News websites: Many blogs, media, and news websites like The New York Times, BBC, or Forbes have comment sections below their articles. These sections allow readers to interact with the author, respond to the content with their opinions or experiences, and debate with other readers, fostering a sense of community and expanding conversations beyond the original article or post.

E-commerce Websites: Online marketplaces and e-commerce websites such as Amazon, eBay, and use the technology of comments section in the form of reviews and feedback from users. This system allows customers to comment and rate products after their purchase, helping prospective buyers make better and informed decisions based on others’ experiences, and providing companies with insights regarding customers’ satisfaction and potential improvements.

FAQ: Comment

What is a comment in programming?

A comment is a non-executable piece of text within a computer program that provides explanation or clarification about the code it accompanies. Commenting helps programmers understand the purpose and functionality of specific parts of the code, making maintenance and updates to the code easier.

How do I write comments in different programming languages?

In various programming languages, comments can be written using different syntax. For example, in HTML, comments are enclosed within . In Python, a single-line comment starts with #, while in JavaScript, a single-line comment starts with //, and multi-line comments are enclosed within /* and */.

Why are comments essential in programming?

Comments are essential in programming because they improve the readability and understanding of the code. They allow programmers to communicate the intention and functionality of specific parts the code, making it easier for others to work with and maintain the code. Properly commented code also reduces errors and helps ensure consistent implementation of best practices.

Are there any best practices for writing comments?

Some best practices for writing comments include the following: 1) Keep comments concise and focused; 2) Write clear and meaningful comments that explain what a piece of code does, not how it does it; 3) Use comments to document complex algorithms, significant design decisions, or non-obvious code behavior; 4) Update comments when updating code to ensure they remain accurate and relevant.

Can I use comments to temporarily disable a part of the code?

Yes, you can use comments to temporarily disable a part of the code, also known as “commenting out.” By enclosing specific lines of code within comment syntax, you can prevent that portion of the code from executing during runtime, allowing you to test or modify other parts of the code without being affected by the commented-out section.

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