Composite Applications

Definition of Composite Applications

Composite applications refer to software systems that integrate various individual components or services to provide a cohesive, unified solution. These components can be sourced from different platforms and may utilize separate technologies. The goal of composite applications is to enhance user experience and streamline processes by leveraging existing resources and providing seamless integration.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Composite Applications” is:/ˌkämpəˈzit ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃənz/komp-uh-ZIT ap-lih-KAY-shuhnz

Key Takeaways

  1. Composite Applications are an integration of multiple, potentially heterogeneous services or applications, providing a single cohesive user experience.
  2. They increase modularity, enabling faster development, easier maintenance, and improved scalability as the components they integrate can evolve independently.
  3. Effective composite application development requires coordination, communication, and a robust middleware to manage the interactions and data flows between components.

Importance of Composite Applications

Composite Applications hold significant importance in the technology realm, as they enable the seamless integration of various modular and independent software components specifically designed to address different business needs.

By allowing the individual modules to work together, businesses can achieve enhanced functionalities, reduced development time, and simplified management.

These applications leverage pre-existing systems and functionalities to form a cohesive, flexible, and adaptable solution, facilitating faster response to changing market trends and requirements.

Moreover, composite applications empower organizations in driving innovation, fostering better user experiences, and maximizing operational efficiency without the need for starting from scratch.


Composite applications are purpose-built solutions that aim to fulfill specific business requirements or streamline workflows by leveraging various software components and services. The primary purpose of composite applications is to integrate the capabilities of these disparate components seamlessly to create a cohesive system, offering users a unified and efficient experience. This approach accelerates solution development by reusing and recomposing existing processes, services, and interfaces from heterogeneous systems.

Consequently, organizations can readily adapt to evolving business needs and requirements, thanks to the flexible architecture of composite applications. In recent years, composite applications have played a significant role in addressing complex operational needs by connecting multiple applications, platforms, and infrastructures. They are particularly prevalent in service-oriented architecture and microservices-based environments.

This methodology enhances interoperability and enables a faster response to changing market demands. Additionally, it facilitates better collaboration and communication across departments by providing an integrated view of data and workflows from various sources. With composite applications, businesses can optimize their resources, reduce development time, cut costs, and improve overall agility, leading to a competitive advantage in the fast-paced, ever-changing world of technology.

Examples of Composite Applications

Salesforce AppExchange: Salesforce AppExchange is an example of composite applications in customer relationship management (CRM) technology. As a marketplace of applications that have been developed on the Salesforce platform, it allows users to customize and extend the functionalities of their Salesforce CRM. With hundreds of pre-built applications, users can find solutions that easily integrate with their existing Salesforce system, solving specific problems or augmenting existing features for unique business needs. This enables organizations to build an ecosystem of applications that work together to achieve comprehensive CRM capabilities tailored specifically to the requirements of their business.

SAP Fiori: SAP Fiori is a collection of composite applications designed for the SAP HANA platform, which offers a seamless user experience across different enterprise software applications. It includes role-based applications that cater to various functional areas, such as finance, human resources, manufacturing, supply chain, and sales. Fiori apps provide an integrated, real-time view of data from multiple sources, allowing users to carry out tasks more efficiently and with better decision support. The modular, easy-to-use design of Fiori apps enables organizations to achieve greater agility and innovation in adapting to changing business needs.

IBM WebSphere Portal: IBM WebSphere Portal is a composite application framework that enables businesses to create, deploy, and manage web-based applications, integrating different systems, information sources, and services. By combining elements from various applications and data sources, users can access and interact with them through a single interface, effectively creating a tailored, unified experience. WebSphere Portal has been used in various industries, including banking, healthcare, and telecommunications, to develop composite applications that simplify complex processes, improve collaboration among different departments, and enhance overall productivity.

FAQ: Composite Applications

What are Composite Applications?

Composite Applications are software applications that are created by combining multiple existing functional components or services. These applications leverage the functionalities of various components to form a single, unified solution that addresses specific business needs.

What are the benefits of using Composite Applications?

Some primary benefits of using Composite Applications include reusability of existing components, reduced development time, greater flexibility and adaptability, and increased fault tolerance through the isolation of component failures.

What is the role of integration in Composite Applications?

Integration plays a key role in Composite Applications, as it lays the foundation for connecting different components and services. Typically, integrations are done through Web services, APIs, or messaging, which allow components to communicate and share data with one another.

Are Composite Applications limited to a specific programming language or technology?

No, Composite Applications can be created using different programming languages and technologies, as long as the components and services conform to established communication and integration standards. This flexibility allows for a diverse range of components to be combined, regardless of their underlying technology.

What is the difference between Composite Applications and Microservices?

While both Composite Applications and Microservices share some similarities, they are different concepts. Composite Applications focus on combining multiple existing components to create a unified single application, whereas Microservices are a modern software architecture approach that breaks applications into small, independent services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently.

Related Technology Terms

  • Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
  • Business Process Management (BPM)
  • Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
  • Application Programming Interface (API)
  • Web Services

Sources for More Information


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