Computer-Aided Facilities Management

Definition of Computer-Aided Facilities Management

Computer-Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) is a software-based system that supports organizations in managing their facilities and associated resources efficiently. This technology aids in the planning, maintenance, and tracking of various aspects of facilities, such as space utilization, asset management, and preventive maintenance. CAFM ultimately streamlines operations, improves productivity, and reduces overall costs by providing accurate and up-to-date information about the facility.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Computer-Aided Facilities Management” is: kəmˈpyo͞otərˈādɪd fəˈsilədēz ˈmanijmənt

Key Takeaways

  1. Computer-Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) streamlines the automation and integration of all aspects of facility management processes, including maintenance, asset management, space planning, and the tracking of building resources.
  2. Implementing a CAFM system can significantly improve the efficiency and productivity of facility management teams by reducing manual tasks, enabling data-driven decision-making, and providing easy access to critical information about the facility’s assets and resources.
  3. CAFM systems support better long-term planning and strategic decision-making by providing insights into space utilization patterns, monitoring asset performance, and facilitating effective resource allocation across the facility.

Importance of Computer-Aided Facilities Management

The technology term: Computer-Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) is important because it streamlines the complex process of maintaining, planning, and managing facilities, resulting in increased efficiency, cost savings, and improved decision-making.

By using CAFM software, facility managers can optimize space allocation, automate maintenance workflows, centralize asset information, and implement energy-efficient strategies.

This technology ultimately aids organizations in achieving their objectives more effectively and enables them to provide better services to their users.

Additionally, through easy access to real-time data and analytics, CAFM enhances the overall productivity and performance of a facility, thereby contributing significantly to the success and sustainability of an organization.


Computer-Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) serves a critical purpose in the contemporary landscape of building management and operations. The primary objective of CAFM is to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of facility management processes by leveraging the power of technology. CAFM systems play an indispensable role in the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of facilities, enabling stakeholders to maximize their resources and streamline the management of building assets.

As a result, CAFM helps maintain a comfortable and safe working environment while reducing the overall operational costs of a facility. Another essential function of CAFM systems is the integration and centralization of critical data and information related to facilities management. With CAFM tools, facility managers can better understand how their buildings function, identify areas for improvement, and respond more quickly to issues that may arise.

This is accomplished through a variety of features, including advanced data analytics, visualization tools, work order management, and asset tracking. Furthermore, CAFM systems enhance communication between facility managers, maintenance staff, and other stakeholders, encouraging a more proactive and collaborative approach to managing buildings. Ultimately, the utilization of CAFM systems contributes to the long-term sustainability and value of facilities, driving considerable improvements in the overall user experience and the bottom line.

Examples of Computer-Aided Facilities Management

Computer-Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) is a comprehensive software solution that helps organizations optimize their facilities, infrastructure, and asset management. The technology enables the effective management of space, people, and assets by automating processes, providing real-time insights, and supporting long-term planning. Here are three real-world examples of its implementation:

University Campus Management: Many universities around the world use CAFM solutions to streamline facilities management throughout their campuses. The software helps manage the utilization of lecture halls, classrooms, libraries, sports facilities, and student accommodations. By tracking room utilization, managing maintenance requests, and monitoring energy usage, universities can optimize their space, reduce operational costs, and improve overall campus efficiency.

Corporate Office Space Management: Corporations often employ CAFM systems to manage their office spaces, particularly those with multiple, geographically distributed locations. The software can help in space planning and allocation, asset tracking, lease management, maintenance scheduling, and fostering a healthy working environment. For instance, IBM uses its own IBM TRIRIGA Integrated Workplace Management System for managing its global offices and has seen significant cost savings and increased productivity as a result.

Airport Facilities Management: Airports face complex management challenges given the scale of their operations, security concerns, and the need for continuous upgrading of infrastructure. CAFM solutions can assist in managing various aspects of airport facilities, such as terminal operations, passenger flow, cargo handling, building maintenance, and regulatory compliance. Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and Dubai International Airport are two examples of airports that have implemented CAFM systems to streamline their operations and enhance overall efficiency.Overall, CAFM technology has proven to be an invaluable tool for organizations across various industries seeking to improve their facilities management, reduce operational costs, and enhance the overall efficiency of their physical spaces.

Computer-Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) FAQ

What is Computer-Aided Facilities Management (CAFM)?

Computer-Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) is a technology-based process that assists facility managers in planning, executing, and monitoring facility operations, maintenance, and space utilization using specialized software and tools.

What are some common features of CAFM software?

Some common features of CAFM software include asset and inventory management, work order processing, preventative maintenance scheduling, space and move management, reporting, and integration with Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Internet of Things (IoT) systems.

How does CAFM software benefit facilities management?

CAFM software helps facility managers improve efficiency, reduce costs, increase productivity, optimize space usage, maintain compliance with regulations, and make informed, data-driven decisions in real-time. It centralizes facility data and provides a unified platform for tracking and managing all aspects of facilities management.

What is the difference between CAFM and Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS)?

CAFM focuses on the holistic management of the facility, including space, assets, leases, and maintenance, while CMMS specifically targets the maintenance aspect of facilities management. CAFM software usually includes CMMS functionalities as a part of its broader feature set.

How can I implement CAFM in my organization?

To implement CAFM in your organization, you should follow these steps: 1) Assess your organization’s needs and objectives, 2) Research available CAFM solutions and select the best fit, 3) Obtain stakeholder buy-in and budget approval, 4) Migrate existing data into the chosen CAFM system, 5) Train facility managers and staff on the software’s use, and 6) Continuously monitor and optimize usage for the best results.

Related Technology Terms

  • Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS)
  • Building Information Modeling (BIM)
  • Asset Management Software
  • Space Planning and Optimization
  • Preventive Maintenance Scheduling

Sources for More Information

  • IFMA Knowledge Library – International Facility Management Association
  • Archibus – Computer-Aided Facilities Management Software Provider
  • Planon – Facility Management and Real Estate Software Provider
  • FacilitiesNet – Facility Management Information and Resources

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