Computer Output to Laser Disk

Definition of Computer Output to Laser Disk

Computer Output to Laser Disk (COLD) is a storage technology that involves converting and archiving computer-generated documents, such as reports and invoices, onto laser disks. These laser disks provide a cost-effective, high-capacity solution for long-term storage and retrieval of information. COLD technology reduces the need for paper storage and enables efficient document management through electronic means.


Here’s the phonetic representation of the keyword ‘Computer Output to Laser Disk’ using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA):/kəmˈpjuːtər ˈaʊtpʊt tu ˈleɪzər dɪsk/

Key Takeaways

  1. Computer Output to Laser Disk (COLD) is a system that allows the storage, retrieval, and management of unaltered digital data on a laser disk, efficiently archiving large volumes of computer-generated documents.
  2. COLD systems are known for their high storage capacity, fast data retrieval, and ability to easily integrate with existing software, making them a valuable tool for organizations dealing with high volumes of data storage and processing.
  3. As a cost-effective, long-lasting, and highly secure storage solution, COLD is widely used in various industries such as finance, insurance, and government agencies to manage and preserve important documents like transaction records, statements, and reports.

Importance of Computer Output to Laser Disk

The technology term “Computer Output to Laser Disk” (COLD) is important because it refers to a computer-based system designed to store, manage, and retrieve an organization’s vital electronic documents, such as business reports, financial statements, and legal records.

COLD facilitates efficient and secure storage of large volumes of data on optical media like laser disks, ensuring better organization, quicker access, and optimized operational performance.

It also minimizes the need for physical storage space and manual handling of paper documents, reducing the risk of data loss or damage due to natural disasters or human error.

By implementing COLD technology, businesses can achieve significant cost savings, enhanced data security, improved productivity, and compliance with regulatory requirements for the archiving of relevant documentation.


Computer Output to Laser Disk (COLD) is a technology primarily used for the purpose of archiving and managing large volumes of data in a more efficient and cost-effective manner. This technology gained popularity particularly among businesses and organizations that deal with a vast amount of documents, such as insurance claims, legal records, and financial reports.

In a business environment, document management can be a labor-intensive process and requires significant storage resources. COLD technology addresses these challenges by automating the process of data storage and retrieval while maintaining high-quality digital replicas of the documents, allowing for improved organization and ease of access.

The primary use of COLD technology involves digitizing paper-based documents and storing them as digital images on laser disks. These digital images can be easily retrieved, shared, or transferred via computer systems within the organization.

This digitization and storage process not only serves to significantly reduce physical storage space requirements, but also minimizes the risks of data loss or damage associated with paper-based documents. By using COLD technology, organizations are better equipped to manage their data in a more streamlined, secure, and efficient manner, enabling them to save both time and resources when handling crucial documents.

Examples of Computer Output to Laser Disk

Computer Output to Laser Disk (COLD) is a technology designed to store large volumes of digital data on laser disk media. This technology was highly significant before cloud storage, SSDs, and other high-speed digital storage solutions became common. Here are three real-world examples of COLD technology usage:

Banking Sector: Banks often need to process and store large volumes of data for transactions, mortgage applications, loan approvals, statements, and other records. In the 1990s, banks started using COLD systems to archive microfiche and paper-based documents by converting them into digital formats. The laser disks provided banks with long-term, cost-effective, and easily accessible storage solutions for these records.

Legal Industry: Law firms and government legal departments rely on the accurate and secure storage of case files, statutes, regulations, and other legal documents. COLD technology was widely adopted for storing and archiving large volumes of such data, streamlining document management and improving the efficiency of information retrieval for legal research and case preparation.

Healthcare Sector: The healthcare industry requires robust data storage solutions for maintaining patient records, medical diagnostic data, and other critical information. The implementation of COLD technology made it possible to store these vast amounts of data on laser disks. This improved data accessibility, allowed healthcare professionals to quickly retrieve a patient’s medical history, and ensured a high level of security for sensitive information.


FAQ – Computer Output to Laser Disk

What is Computer Output to Laser Disk (COLD)?

Computer Output to Laser Disk (COLD) is a system that involves the storage and retrieval of digitized images, primarily used for business documents such as invoices, purchase orders, and reports. The data is stored on laser disks, making it an efficient storage option for large amounts of data.

What are the advantages of using Computer Output to Laser Disk?

Some advantages of using COLD include reduced physical storage space, easier document retrieval, improved document security, and reduced risk of document loss or damage. Additionally, using COLD can lead to cost savings from reduced printing and paper expenses.

How does the COLD storage process work?

The COLD process involves scanning and converting physical documents into digital images, indexing them, and then storing them on laser disks. Authorized users can then search for and access the required documents using an image management software.

How secure is the data stored on laser disks?

Data stored on laser disks is generally secure, as they are less prone to physical damage compared to conventional paper documents. Moreover, access to the stored documents can be controlled through user authentication and permissions, further enhancing the security of the data.

What types of businesses can benefit from using COLD?

Any business that manages a large volume of documents can benefit from using COLD. This includes industries such as finance, healthcare, insurance, government, and manufacturing, where fast and secure access to archived documents is essential for daily operations.


Related Technology Terms

  • Optical Storage Media
  • Laser Encoding Technology
  • High-Capacity Data Storage
  • Computer-Aided File Transfer
  • Laser Disk Read/Write Process

Sources for More Information


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