
Connected Standby

Definition of Connected Standby

Connected Standby is a power management feature found in modern devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops, which allows them to maintain an internet connection and receive notifications while in a low-power sleep mode. This mode ensures that the device stays up-to-date and responsive without consuming much energy, thus preserving battery life. Connected Standby enables users to have a seamless, always-connected experience similar to that of a smartphone.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Connected Standby” is:kuh-NEK-tid STAND-bye

Key Takeaways

  1. Connected Standby enables low-power, always-on, always-connected functionality, allowing devices to receive updates, emails, and notifications even when the screen is off.
  2. Improves overall user experience by reducing the time needed for the device to wake up from sleep, making it instantly accessible whenever needed, while maximizing battery life.
  3. Connected Standby is supported only on devices running Windows 8, Windows 10, and later operating systems, with the required compatible hardware and firmware such as InstantGo.

Importance of Connected Standby

Connected Standby is an important technology term because it refers to a power management feature in modern electronic devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

This feature enables these devices to maintain a low-power state while still providing instant access to updates, notifications, and data.

By preserving a network connection in the background, Connected Standby ensures that users receive timely information even when their devices appear to be idle.

This enhances overall user experience, improves productivity, and allows critical system updates to be quickly implemented without interrupting the user’s workflow, making Connected Standby a vital aspect of contemporary technology.


Connected Standby is a technology meant to enhance the functionality of devices that use low-power mode, such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets, by allowing them to remain connected to a network while conserving power. Its primary purpose is to strike a balance between providing users the convenience of instant access to their device while ensuring extended battery life.

With this capability, devices are able to maintain a connection for background tasks like email synchronization and notifications, even when the device appears to be asleep or in a low-power state. This results in an always-connected user experience that replicates the rapid responsiveness found in smartphones and other mobile devices but in a more power-efficient manner.

Connected Standby allows for optimal power consumption management so that devices only draw power when necessary without completely disconnecting from the network. The technology intelligently focuses on tasks that are essential to the user experience, such as updating apps and notifications, while keeping power-hungry activities on hold.

For example, when a user receives an email or calendar notification, the device can automatically wake up and download the information while staying in low-power mode to minimize battery drain. All these seamless features make Connected Standby an indispensable technology for devices with frequent on-and-off cycles, prioritizing efficient energy use and offering users the convenience of instant access with minimal battery life compromise.

Examples of Connected Standby

Connected Standby, also known as InstantGo in Windows 8/

1 or Modern Standby in Windows 10, is a power management feature that allows devices to remain connected to networks, receive updates and notifications while using minimal power during idle mode. Here are three real-world examples of devices using Connected Standby:

Microsoft Surface Pro series: Microsoft’s Surface Pro tablets, including the Surface Pro 4 and Surface Pro 7, come with Connected Standby capabilities. When your device is in Connected Standby mode, you can still receive emails, app updates, and other notifications even when the screen is off, ensuring that you always have the most up-to-date information when you need it.

Lenovo Yoga series: Many Lenovo Yoga laptops, such as the Yoga 730, Yoga 920, and Yoga C930, come with Connected Standby features, allowing users to take full advantage of power-saving modes without sacrificing functionality. With Connected Standby, you can close the lid or put your laptop in sleep mode, knowing that your device will stay connected and continue to get updates and notifications.

HP Spectre x360: The HP Spectre x360 is another Windows-based device that supports Connected Standby. This 2-in-1 laptop offers the convenience of staying connected to Wi-Fi and other networks while consuming minimal power when idle. As a result, you can work more efficiently throughout the day without needing to wake your device continuously.All of these devices leverage Connected Standby to help users maintain a balance between energy efficiency, productivity, and staying informed with the latest updates when their devices are idle.

Connected Standby FAQ

1. What is Connected Standby?

Connected Standby is a power management feature that enables compatible devices to maintain an active network connection in a low-power state even when the screen is off. This allows the device to continue receiving notifications, updates, and emails while conserving battery life.

2. How does Connected Standby work?

Connected Standby works by keeping certain parts of the device active while other parts remain in a low-power state. This state allows the device to continue performing background tasks and maintain connectivity while consuming minimal power. When the device’s screen is turned on, it quickly transitions from Connected Standby to full power mode.

3. What devices support Connected Standby?

Devices that support Connected Standby include tablets, laptops, and convertible devices running Windows 8 or later. To determine if your device supports Connected Standby, check your device’s documentation or contact the manufacturer for more information.

4. How can I enable or disable Connected Standby on my device?

Connected Standby is typically enabled by default on supported devices. However, you can enable or disable Connected Standby by adjusting your device’s power management settings. To do this, navigate to the Control Panel, then choose “Power Options,” and select the appropriate power plan. From there, you can customize the Connected Standby settings to meet your needs.

5. Can Connected Standby cause any issues or problems with my device?

Connected Standby should not cause any issues, as it is a power-saving feature designed to improve the battery life of your device. However, some users may experience minor issues related to Wi-Fi connectivity or battery drain. If you encounter any problems, you can try disabling Connected Standby to see if the issues persist.

6. Is Connected Standby the same as Sleep mode?

No, Connected Standby and Sleep mode are not the same. Sleep mode is a more traditional power-saving mode where the device enters a low-power state, but all network connectivity and background processes are temporarily suspended. Connected Standby, on the other hand, maintains network connectivity and certain background processes while the device is in a low-power state.

Related Technology Terms

  • Power Management
  • Low Power State
  • Instant-On
  • Network Connectivity
  • Background Activities

Sources for More Information

  • Microsoft Docs –
  • Intel Support –
  • Wikipedia –
  • AnandTech –

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