
Definition of Crowdsolving

Crowdsolving refers to the process of engaging a diverse group of individuals, typically connected through an online platform, to collectively solve a problem or tackle a challenge. By leveraging the skills, knowledge, and creativity of the masses, crowdsolving allows for faster and more innovative solutions. This collaborative approach applies the concept of “wisdom of the crowd” to problem-solving, ideation, and decision-making processes.


The phonetic transcription of the keyword “Crowdsolving” in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is: /ˈkraʊdsɒlvɪŋ/

Key Takeaways

  1. Crowdsolving leverages the collective intelligence of a diverse group of people to find creative solutions and breakthrough innovations for complex problems.
  2. It involves tapping into a wide range of expertise and perspectives, often facilitated by digital platforms, to encourage collaboration and problem-solving on a global scale.
  3. Benefits of crowdsolving include cost-effectiveness, rapid innovation, and increased engagement among participants, leading to better outcomes and higher satisfaction in the solving process.

Importance of Crowdsolving

Crowdsolving, as a technology term, holds significant importance due to its potential to harness the collective intellectual power, creativity, and expertise of a large, diverse group of individuals to tackle complex problems or generate innovative ideas more effectively and efficiently than might be achieved by individuals or smaller teams.

By leveraging the reach of digital platforms and the internet, crowdsolving facilitates the collaboration of multiple perspectives and skillsets on a global scale, often resulting in more novel and optimal solutions.

Furthermore, it democratizes the problem-solving process, allowing people from various backgrounds to participate and contribute, fostering a sense of community, inclusivity, and collective ownership in the pursuit of critical advancements and breakthroughs across various sectors.


Crowdsolving, as a modern adaptation of the concept of “wisdom of the crowd,” has emerged as a powerful tool for problem-solving and innovation. Its main purpose is to harness the collective knowledge, expertise, and skills of large groups of people, transcending the constraints of geographical boundaries and disciplines, in order to address complex challenges and find creative solutions. By leveraging the diversity of thought and experience, crowdsolving enables organizations and policymakers to tap into the potential of an entire community, be it within entrepreneurial ecosystems, medical research, social activism, or urban planning.

This maximizes the possibility of extracting ground-breaking ideas, while accelerating the pace of problem-solving and reducing reliance on a limited number of experts. In today’s interconnected world, crowdsolving has become increasingly popular due to technological advancements that facilitate seamless communication and collaboration. Platforms such as social media, open innovation systems, online forums, and global competitions provide accessible spaces where individuals from diverse backgrounds can engage and collaborate on a variety of issues.

This ranges from tackling climate change and sustainable development goals to product development and process improvements within businesses. Furthermore, crowdsolving democratizes the problem-solving process by opening up opportunities for non-experts and marginalized communities to have a voice and contribute to the discourse. Ultimately, crowdsolving equips modern societies with the ability to tackle evolving challenges in an innovative, efficient, and inclusive manner.

Examples of Crowdsolving

Foldit – Protein Folding Game:Foldit is a revolutionary online game that utilizes crowdsolving to tackle complex protein folding problems. Developed by researchers at the University of Washington, Foldit players collaborate with scientists to predict protein structures and design new proteins that could advance understanding of diseases and create new drugs. By employing the collective intelligence of thousands of players from around the world, Foldit transforms challenging scientific problems into an engaging and accessible format that harnesses human creativity for tackling a specific task.

Duolingo – Language Translation:Duolingo is a popular language-learning platform that has integrated crowdsolving to improve its language translations. Rather than solely relying on automated machine translation, Duolingo encourages its vast user base to help translate website content into various languages. By crowd sourcing this task, Duolingo maintains the quality of its translations, continuously improves its language learning algorithms, and engages its users in a process that benefits both the platform and its global community.

Innocentive – Innovation Marketplace:Innocentive is a global innovation marketplace where organizations post challenges in sectors such as science, engineering, technology, and business. Skilled individuals from around the world can submit their solutions in exchange for financial rewards. This crowdsolving approach has been utilized by major companies, non-profit organizations, and government agencies, effectively connecting problem solvers with organizations in need of innovative answers. Innocentive facilitates the exchange of ideas and knowledge, leading to transformative solutions that may otherwise have remained undiscovered.

FAQ: Crowdsolving

What is crowdsolving?

Crowdsolving is a problem-solving approach that involves gathering insights, ideas, and suggestions from a large group of people, often leveraging online communities and platforms. By tapping into the collective intelligence and diverse perspectives of the crowd, novel solutions can be generated faster and more efficiently than relying on traditional methods.

How does crowdsolving work?

Crowdsolving typically involves setting up a platform or community where individuals can contribute their ideas, expertise, and solutions to a specific problem or challenge. The collective input and collaboration of participants leads to the generation of innovative ideas and approaches. In many cases, crowdsolving initiatives offer incentives, such as cash prizes or recognition, to encourage people to participate and contribute their best ideas.

What are the benefits of crowdsolving?

Some benefits of crowdsolving include increased innovation, faster problem-solving, access to diverse perspectives and expertise, and reduced costs. By engaging a larger group of people, crowdsolving can produce a greater number of ideas and solutions, leading to improved outcomes. Additionally, using online platforms and tools makes it easier to organize and manage the crowdsolving process.

What types of problems can be solved through crowdsolving?

Crowdsolving can be applied to a wide range of problems and challenges, including business, social, technological, and environmental issues. Examples include product development, service improvement, policy development, scientific research, and community-driven projects. The success of crowdsolving depends on the nature of the problem, as well as the willingness of the crowd to collaborate and contribute meaningfully.

What are some examples of successful crowdsolving initiatives?

Successful crowdsolving initiatives include the XPRIZE Foundation competitions, the Netflix Prize, the DARPA Grand Challenge, and LEGO Ideas. These initiatives have generated innovative solutions to complex challenges in various domains, such as space exploration, machine learning, autonomous vehicles, and product design, by engaging a diverse group of participants.

Related Technology Terms

  • Collective intelligence
  • Open innovation
  • Collaborative problem-solving
  • Idea management platforms
  • Knowledge sharing

Sources for More Information


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