


Cyberloafing, commonly known as cyber-slacking, refers to the use of internet and company resources during work hours for personal purposes—such as social media, online shopping, or watching videos—instead of performing job duties. It’s considered a form of counterproductive work behavior. Some consequences of cyberloafing may include reduced productivity, potential security risks or legal issues.


The phonetics of the word “Cyberloafing” is /ˈsaɪbərˌloʊfɪŋ/.

Key Takeaways

Cyberloafing Key Takeaways

  1. Definition and Prevalence: Cyberloafing, also known as cyberslacking, is the act of using internet resources for personal use during work hours, leading to decreased productivity. This is a widespread issue, with numerous employees partaking in the activity worldwide.
  2. Impacts: Cyberloafing can have significant impacts on an organization, such as reducing overall productivity and output. Furthermore, it can also consume significant bandwidth, slowing down the network for work-related tasks and potentially introducing security risks.
  3. Management: Organizations can manage cyberloafing through the implementation of strict internet use policies, regular monitoring of employee internet activity, and by promoting a healthy work culture that encourages employees to focus on their tasks.


The term Cyberloafing is significant in the realm of technology and human behavior as it refers to the act of employees using their company’s internet for personal use during paid working hours. This act could include checking social media accounts, online shopping, playing games, or any non-work-related web browsing. Understanding and addressing Cyberloafing is important for businesses because it can drastically affect productivity, while also potentially exposing a company’s network to digital threats and increasing the risk of confidential information being compromised. Therefore, it’s a valuable concept in discussions about employee productivity, internet security, and the development of appropriate use policies in the workplace.


Cyberloafing primarily refers to the action of wasting time on the internet while being on the job, hence the term is typically linked with employee productivity. The purpose for such an activity usually revolves around individuals trying to break free momentarily from their job-related tasks. Often, it could be an attempt to relieve stress or wandering off to lighter, less demanding digital spaces for recreation. For some people, this might mean social media browsing, online shopping, playing games, or even watching videos.It’s significant to note that though the term cyberloafing generally possesses a negative connotation, it can serve beneficial purposes as well. Regular breaks can help rejuvenate the mind and augment productivity if utilised responsibly. In controlled amounts, cyberloafing can potentially boost an employee’s mood and motivation. Therefore, while its primary use is leisure and a means of escape from work-related stress, the outcome of cyberloafing can still end up serving a work-related purpose by promoting overall productivity and quality of work.


1. Social Media Usage at Work: This is a common example of cyberloafing. Many employees spend substantial time browsing through social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram during work hours. This not only degrades work productivity but also exposes company networks to potential cybersecurity risks.2. Excessive Personal Emails: Despite having a dedicated professional email, if an employee is consistently using work time to communicate for personal reasons through personal email, it’s considered cyberloafing as well.3. Online Shopping During Work Hours: With the convenience of e-commerce websites like Amazon or Ebay, many employees engage in online shopping during work hours. This can lead to significant wastages of official time and resources, thus constituting a clear example of cyberloafing.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Sure, here’s a FAQ section on Cyberloafing:**Q: What is Cyberloafing?**A: Cyberloafing is a term that refers to the use of company resources and time for personal matters, especially when it comes to browsing non-work-related websites and social media during working hours.**Q: Is Cyberloafing illegal?**A: While not technically illegal, Cyberloafing can go against company policies regarding the use of internet and work time. It could potentially lead to disciplinary action or even termination depending on the company’s rules and the extent of the offense.**Q: How can Cyberloafing impact a business?**A: Cyberloafing can negatively impact a business in several ways, such as reducing productivity, consuming bandwidth, and potentially introducing security risks (if employees visit unsafe websites or download malicious software).**Q: Is there any way to prevent Cyberloafing?**A: Yes, businesses can install software to monitor or restrict access to non-work-related websites. Also, providing clear guidelines and educating employees about the adverse effects of Cyberloafing can help prevent it.**Q: Does Cyberloafing only refer to internet usage?**A: While Cyberloafing primarily involves internet misuse, it can also extend to other forms of digital distractions like using company technology resources for personal activities such as personal emails, online games, or streaming media.**Q: Can Cyberloafing have any advantages?**A: Some studies suggest that short breaks for personal online activities can actually improve productivity by giving employees necessary mental breaks. However, it becomes a problem when it excessively interferes with work. **Q: What’s the difference between Cyberloafing and Cyberslacking?**A: Cyberloafing specifically refers to using the internet for personal use during work time, while Cyberslacking is a broader term that refers to procrastination or not working while on the clock, whether it involves the internet or not.

Related Finance Terms

  • Internet Addiction
  • Workplace Productivity
  • Online Distractions
  • Computer Usage Monitoring
  • Policy Enforcement

Sources for More Information


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