
Data Exfiltration

Definition of Data Exfiltration

Data exfiltration refers to the unauthorized transfer or leakage of sensitive information or data from an organization’s systems to an external location or recipient. This can be carried out through various methods, such as malware, phishing, or exploiting vulnerabilities in the system. The primary purpose of data exfiltration is often for financial gain, espionage, or sabotage.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Data Exfiltration” is: Data: ˈdeɪtÉ™ (DAY-tuh)Exfiltration: ˌɛksfɪlˈtreɪʃən (eks-fil-TRAY-shuhn)

Key Takeaways

  1. Data exfiltration refers to the unauthorized transfer of sensitive information from an organization’s computer systems to an external destination.
  2. Common methods of data exfiltration include malware, insider threats, physical theft, and cyber attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in the organization’s network infrastructure.
  3. Preventing data exfiltration involves a combination of robust security policies, regular employee education, robust access control, and the implementation of real-time monitoring and detection tools to identify and respond to potential threats.

Importance of Data Exfiltration

Data exfiltration is an important technology term as it refers to the unauthorized transfer of sensitive information from a target system or network to an external location, often initiated by cybercriminals or malicious insiders.

This phenomenon can cause significant harm to businesses, governments, and individuals, leading to the loss of intellectual property, personal information, financial assets, and ultimately resulting in reputational damage.

Understanding data exfiltration helps organizations implement robust security measures, monitor for potential threats, and develop strategies to mitigate risks, thus ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of critical information assets, and maintaining trust among stakeholders.


Data exfiltration, sometimes referred to as data theft or data leakage, is a critical security concern in today’s expanding digital landscape. Its primary purpose is the unauthorized transfer of sensitive information or data from a system, often for malevolent intent, such as cyberespionage, fraud, or identity theft.

Data exfiltration is typically the objective of advanced persistent threats (APTs) and targeted cyberattacks on corporate and government networks. Cybercriminals use various methods, such as malware, social engineering, or phishing tactics, to infiltrate a network, obtain access to confidential information, and siphon off essential data, leaving these organizations vulnerable to financial, operational, reputational, and legal consequences.

To defend against data exfiltration, organizations invest in cybersecurity technologies and employ comprehensive strategies that focus on safeguarding their crucial assets. These might include data loss prevention (DLP) solutions, intrusion detection systems (IDS), secure firewalls, encryption, and strong access controls.

In addition to deploying robust technical measures, emphasizing employee awareness and training on secure data handling practices is vital to reduce the risk of social engineering and insider threats. This multi-layered approach to security helps organizations protect their valuable data and enhance their resilience against cyber threats that continuously evolve and adapt in the pursuit of valuable information.

Examples of Data Exfiltration

Data exfiltration is the unauthorized transfer of sensitive information from an organization to an external location, often with malicious intentions. Here are three real-world examples of data exfiltration:

Target Data Breach (2013): In 2013, American retailer Target suffered a massive data breach. Cybercriminals installed malware on the point-of-sale (POS) systems of Target stores, which allowed them to steal the payment card data of approximately 40 million customers. The malware captured the swiped card data and sent it to external servers controlled by the attackers, effectively conducting data exfiltration.

Sony Pictures Hack (2014): Sony Pictures Entertainment was the victim of a high-profile cyberattack in

The hackers stole internal data, including confidential documents, emails, and pre-release movie files. The information was subsequently leaked online, causing significant embarrassment and financial harm to the company. The attackers used a combination of sophisticated malware and encryption to exfiltrate the data from Sony’s servers.

Equifax Data Breach (2017): In 2017, one of the US’s largest credit reporting agencies, Equifax, experienced a massive data breach. The personal information of around 147 million consumers, including social security numbers, birth dates, and addresses, was stolen. The attackers exploited a vulnerability in a web application framework and gained access to Equifax’s internal systems. They exfiltrated the sensitive data by disguising it as normal traffic to avoid detection by security tools.

Data Exfiltration FAQ

1. What is Data Exfiltration?

Data exfiltration, also known as data theft or data extrusion, is the unauthorized transfer of sensitive information from a target to a hacker or other malicious party. The information is typically transferred through a network connection, physical media, or remote access.

2. How is Data Exfiltration carried out?

Attackers use various methods to carry out data exfiltration, including: malware, social engineering, insiders, physical theft, and electronic eavesdropping. These methods can happen through direct data transmission, data storage on external devices, or through the use of steganography techniques to hide the data within another file.

3. What types of data are targeted in Data Exfiltration attacks?

Attackers typically target sensitive information such as intellectual property, trade secrets, customer information, financial data, and personally identifiable information (PII), as these have significant value to either sell on the dark web or can be used for further attacks.

4. How can organizations prevent Data Exfiltration?

Organizations can prevent data exfiltration by implementing comprehensive security measures, including: network segmentation, strong access control, data encryption, intrusion detection and prevention systems, employee training, threat monitoring, and a robust incident response plan.

5. What are the consequences of a successful Data Exfiltration attack?

Successful data exfiltration attacks can lead to significant financial losses, damage to an organization’s reputation, loss of competitive advantage, legal penalties, and potentially even criminal liabilities for the victim organization and its stakeholders.

Related Technology Terms

  • Data Breach
  • Insider Threat
  • Advanced Persistent Threat (APT)
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
  • Network Traffic Analysis

Sources for More Information


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