Mobility Managed Services


Mobility Managed Services refers to the outsourcing of the management, maintenance, and support of mobile devices, applications, and related infrastructure within an organization. It encompasses device management, security, application deployment, and support for employees using mobile devices for work purposes. The goal is to streamline mobile operations, improve productivity, and ensure data security in the increasingly mobile business landscape.

Key Takeaways

  1. Mobility Managed Services (MMS) refer to the outsourcing of the management and support of an organization’s mobile devices, applications, and security measures to a third-party service provider.
  2. MMS enables businesses to efficiently manage the deployment, integration and administration of mobile devices, ensuring increased productivity, improved security, and reduced costs.
  3. Typical MMS offerings include device provisioning, application management, security and policy management, expense management, and ongoing support and maintenance for both the hardware and software of the mobile ecosystem.


Mobility Managed Services (MMS) is an important technology term as it represents the comprehensive approach to managing and securing the increasing usage of mobile devices in modern organizations.

MMS allows businesses to optimize their resources, improve employee productivity, and maintain a high level of security when accessing corporate data on-the-go.

By outsourcing the management of mobile devices, organizations can focus on their core competencies while ensuring that their mobile workforce remains connected, efficient, and protected.

With the rapid evolution of mobile technology and the growing concerns surrounding data breaches, MMS has become essential for businesses aiming to stay competitive, maintain data security, and efficiently manage their mobile infrastructure.


Mobility Managed Services (MMS) is designed to simplify and optimize the management, security, and integration of mobile devices within an organization. The primary purpose of MMS is to help enterprises maintain control and visibility over their diverse mobile ecosystem, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other connected devices.

This comprehensive solution addresses the growing need for businesses to effectively manage their remote workforce’s increasingly complex mobile environment while ensuring operational efficiency and adhering to regulatory compliance. By leveraging MMS, companies can provide employees with seamless access to essential business applications and data while reducing the burden on their internal IT teams.

MMS is a powerful tool for organizations operating in the modern mobile-centric world, as it offers a range of benefits from cost savings to improved security. By outsourcing the management of mobile devices to a third-party provider, businesses can benefit from economies of scale, access to specialized expertise, and the ability to easily scale their mobile infrastructure as needed.

MMS can also help improve security by implementing robust, up-to-date policies and procedures that protect against data breaches and unauthorized access to sensitive information. This service allows IT teams to focus on core business initiatives while enabling employees to work more effectively and securely, transforming mobility management into a key strategic advantage for the organization.

Examples of Mobility Managed Services

IBM Mobility Services: IBM Mobility Services is a comprehensive managed mobility solution that helps businesses manage the increasingly complex mobility ecosystem. The service covers several aspects such as policy development, device procurement, secure integration into the company’s IT infrastructure, application development, and end-to-end security. IBM’s experts ensure that company data is protected and managed effectively, while also providing insights into usage patterns and tracking devices, irrespective of the end-users’ locations.

Cisco Meraki Managed Mobility Services: Cisco Meraki is a leading provider of cloud-based mobility managed services for businesses, educational institutions, retail chains, and other organizations. Their mobility solutions help manage and optimize large-scale wireless networks, provide access control & security, and enable organizations to gain insights into user behavior and network utilization. Cisco Meraki Managed Mobility Services allow IT administrators to easily configure, monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize their organization’s wireless networks and mobile devices from a single web-based interface, which simplifies network management.

Accenture Mobility Managed Services: Accenture is a global professional services company, offering a wide range of managed services, including mobility managed services. Their offerings help businesses to deploy, manage, analyze, and support mobile devices, apps, and infrastructure throughout an organization. Accenture’s Mobility Managed Services include device lifecycle management, application management, mobile system integration, security, and analytics for corporate-owned or bring-your-own-device (BYOD) scenarios. These services help organizations effectively manage their mobile workforce while minimizing the risks associated with data breaches and ensuring valuable insights are gleaned from mobile usage and interactions.

FAQ: Mobility Managed Services

1. What are Mobility Managed Services?

Mobility Managed Services (MMS) are services offered by third-party providers to help businesses and enterprises manage their mobile devices, applications, and other resources for efficient operations. MMS incorporates aspects such as device management, security, app development, and support, allowing organizations to focus on their core business activities while leaving mobility management to experts.

2. What are the benefits of Mobility Managed Services?

Some key benefits of Mobility Managed Services include: reduced operational expenses, enhanced security, improved device and application management, scalability, access to dedicated support, and the ability to leverage the latest technology advancements for high efficiency and productivity.

3. What services are generally included in Mobility Managed Services?

Common services included in MMS are: Mobile Device Management (MDM), Mobile Application Management (MAM), Mobile Content Management (MCM), Mobile Security Management (MSM), Mobile Expense Management (MEM), and Helpdesk Support Services. These services collectively help companies manage and control their mobile devices, applications, and information efficiently and securely.

4. How do Mobility Managed Services help with security?

MMS providers implement robust security protocols to protect sensitive corporate data on mobile devices. This includes measures such as encryption, VPN configurations, remote data wiping, and the monitoring and analysis of potential security threats. This ensures that employees’ mobile devices comply with the organization’s security policies and minimizes the risks associated with lost or stolen devices.

5. Are Mobility Managed Services suitable for small businesses?

Yes, Mobility Managed Services can be tailored to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes, including small businesses. By partnering with an MMS provider, small businesses can benefit from improved mobile device management, increased workflow efficiency, and better control over security, all without needing to dedicate significant internal resources to these operations.

Related Technology Terms

  • Mobile Device Management (MDM)
  • Mobile Application Management (MAM)
  • Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM)
  • Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy
  • Mobile Security and Compliance

Sources for More Information


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