

Definition of Cyberslacker

Cyberslacker refers to an individual who spends a significant amount of work or study time on non-productive activities, such as browsing the internet, playing online games, or engaging in social media, instead of focusing on their actual job or educational responsibilities. These individuals take advantage of internet access provided by their workplace or institution to engage in personal interests, resulting in reduced productivity. The term ‘cyberslacker’ comes from the combination of “cyber” relating to internet or computer technology, and “slacker,” which means someone who avoids work or effort.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Cyberslacker” is: ˈsaɪ.bÉ™rËŒslak.É™r

Key Takeaways

  1. Cyberslacker refers to an individual who spends a significant amount of their working hours using the internet for non-work-related activities, such as browsing social media, engaging in online chats, or shopping.
  2. Decreased productivity, wasted time, and potential security risks associated with accessing unsecured websites or downloading malware-infected files are some of the consequences of cyberslacking.
  3. Employers may implement strategies like monitoring internet usage, promoting work-life balance, setting clear policies, and providing training/awareness programs to mitigate the impact of cyberslacking in the workplace.

Importance of Cyberslacker

The technology term “Cyberslacker” holds importance as it highlights a behavioral issue in the modern workplace, where employees misuse internet access and other digital resources for personal activities, resulting in reduced productivity and potential security risks.

In this era of technology, with increased reliance on the internet for communication, collaboration, and information sharing, it becomes essential for organizations to address and manage cyberslacking effectively.

By understanding this term, employers and managers can identify unproductive employee behavior, create relevant policies and guidelines, and implement effective measures to mitigate the negative impact on both productivity and workplace culture.


Cyberslacking, also known as “cyberloafing” or “internet loafing,” refers to the act of using internet resources, primarily during work hours, for personal use rather than focusing on job-related tasks. This phenomenon has become increasingly prevalent in the modern workplace due to the widespread availability of the internet and the various tools and platforms that can serve as distractions.

While cyberslacking might initially appear to be a frivolous pursuit, it can have detrimental consequences for both the individual and their organization, including reduced productivity, compromised work quality, and even potential legal or ethical issues. Despite the potential negative consequences, some argue that cyberslacking may serve a purpose in providing employees with an outlet for mental breaks and stress reduction throughout the workday.

An occasional brief respite from work, say proponents, might help recharge one’s mental faculties and improve overall productivity. However, it is essential to strike a balance between such reprieves and maintaining a focus on tasks at hand.

Companies thus need to establish guidelines and policies that address the issue of cyberslacking to minimize its impact on productivity while acknowledging the potential benefits of occasional breaks. In doing so, organizations can foster a balanced work environment that promotes efficiency and employee well-being.

Examples of Cyberslacker

Cyberslacker isn’t a specific technology but refers to individuals who use the internet, particularly during work hours or in the workplace, for personal purposes instead of job-related responsibilities. Often, these activities result in decreased productivity and work performance. Here are three real-world examples of cyberslacking:

Social Media Usage: An employee frequently checks their personal Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter accounts during work hours, updating their status, browsing their friends’ profiles, or messaging others, which results in neglected work tasks and potentially, missed deadlines.

Online Shopping: Instead of focusing on work, a cyberslacker may regularly visit online shopping websites such as Amazon or eBay, browsing products and making unnecessary purchases, ultimately leading to interruptions in their workflow and poor work performance.

Casual Online Gaming: An employee might spend a significant portion of their time in the office playing casual online games, like Candy Crush Saga or Solitaire, on their smartphone or computer. This distraction takes away from job-related tasks and could lead to missed deadlines and decreased productivity.

Frequently Asked Questions: Cyberslacker

1. What is a cyberslacker?

A cyberslacker is an individual who spends unnecessary or excessive amounts of time on the internet, particularly during work hours, engaging in non-work related activities such as online shopping, social media, and playing games.

2. What are the impacts of cyberslacking on employee productivity?

Cyberslacking can lower employee productivity, as it can lead to reduced focus on work tasks and wasted time, potentially resulting in lower-quality work or missed deadlines. Additionally, it can negatively affect team morale, as coworkers may feel the need to pick up the slack for less-productive cyberslacking colleagues.

3. How can employers address cyberslacking in the workplace?

Employers can take several steps to address cyberslacking, including setting clear policies regarding internet usage at work, implementing website usage monitoring software, providing regular feedback on employee performance, establishing transparent expectations, and offering training on time management skills.

4. Can cyberslacking have any positive effects?

While cyberslacking has many negative consequences, some studies suggest that short breaks for personal internet usage can provide a mental break and help employees recharge. However, it’s essential to find a balance that allows for brief, occasional breaks while maintaining overall productivity.

5. How can employees improve their time management skills and reduce cyberslacking tendencies?

To minimize cyberslacking, employees can prioritize tasks, set aside dedicated time for work and breaks, use website blockers to limit access to tempting websites during work hours, and track their internet usage to better understand their online habits.

Related Technology Terms

  • Internet misuse
  • Decreased productivity
  • Online distractions
  • Workplace internet policy
  • Time management

Sources for More Information


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