Data Manipulation Language


Data Manipulation Language (DML) is a type of programming language used for managing data in relational database management systems. It allows users to insert, delete, update and retrieve data from a database. It includes commands like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and others.


The phonetics for the keyword “Data Manipulation Language” are:Data – /ˈdeɪtə/Manipulation – /məˌnɪpjəˈleɪʃən/Language – /ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ/

Key Takeaways


  1. Data Manipulation Language (DML) is a type of programming language that is used to add, remove, retrieve and modify data in a database.
  2. The main operations performed by DML are Select, Insert, Update and Delete. SELECT is used to retrieve data, INSERT to add new data, UPDATE to modify existing data, and DELETE to remove data.
  3. DML commands can work in conjunction with other SQL commands, like WHERE and ORDER BY, to provide more specific and finely tuned control over data manipulation. This allows for greater precision and flexibility when dealing with complex databases.



Data Manipulation Language (DML) is a vital technology term as it allows users to access and manipulate data in a database. DML is integral for the management and control of data, offering commands such as select, insert, update, and delete to aid in the retrieval, input, modification, and removal of data. Therefore, DML is crucial to any system that depends on the storing, retrieving, and modifying of data. It is especially significant in database management systems where it forms a fundamental part of Structured Query Language (SQL). Without DML, tasks such as querying for data, altering existing data, or adding new data would be complex and cumbersome.


Data Manipulation Language (DML) forms a critical set of standards used in managing and manipulating data stored within databases. Its central purpose lies in its ability to enable users to insert, modify, and extract data from database systems. DML provides simple yet powerful commands to interact with data from various perspectives, ranging from fetching specific data to adding new data, updating existing data, or even removing unnecessary data. These specific commands include SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. Through DML, database users can thus engage with the data to meet their specific requirements or tasks, making this technology vital for both database administrators and end-users, across different fields.The use of Data Manipulation Language extends to various spheres, from business and education to scientific research and even day-to-day tasks. In the business world, DML allows companies to manage their data swiftly and efficiently. For instance, if a company launches a new product and wants to add it to their existing product database, the INSERT command in DML would be used. Similarly, if a product is discontinued and needs to be removed from the database, the DELETE command would come into play. It becomes easy to see that without DML, the process of handling data within these databases would be far more complex and time-consuming, demonstrating its essential role in efficient data management.


1. SQL Queries: SQL or Structured Query Language is a primary example of Data Manipulation Language. It allows to manipulate data in relational databases. For instance, a software developer might use SQL statements like SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE to read, update, add, or remove data within a database, thus manipulating data to suit various requirements. 2. Social Media Platforms: Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram also use DML. For example, when you post a status on Facebook, behind the scenes, an INSERT command is being used to add this data to your profile.3. E-Commerce Sites: Online platforms like Amazon and eBay are other real-world instances where DML is used. When you add a product to your shopping cart or make a purchase, DML statements are used to update the database, reflecting the changes made in your shopping cart or purchase history.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

**Q: What is Data Manipulation Language (DML)?**A: Data Manipulation Language (DML) is a subgroup of SQL commands that are used to add, modify, query, or delete data in a database. **Q: What are the specific commands that are part of DML?**A: The specific commands that are part of DML are SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. **Q: Why is DML important?**A: DML is crucial as it provides a way to manage data in a database and make it useful. It allows us to extract, change, add and remove data as per requirements.**Q: Is DML only for SQL databases?**A: Majority of the applications of DML are seen in SQL databases. However, the concept can be applied to other types of databases as well, albeit with different syntax or functionality.**Q: Who primarily uses DML?**A: DML is primarily used by Database Administrators, developers, data scientists, and anyone who needs to interact with data in a database.**Q: Can DML be used for creating and altering database structures?**A: No, DML doesn’t deal with the structuring of databases. This is handled by Data Definition Language (DDL), another subset of SQL commands. **Q: How does the ‘UPDATE’ command in DML work?**A: The UPDATE command is used to modify existing records in a table. You need to specify the table name, the column(s) you want to change, and the new value(s).**Q: Can we undo an operation in DML?**A: Yes, operations in DML can be undone by using rollback command until the changes have been permanently saved by using the commit command. **Q: What is the role of the ‘SELECT’ command in DML?**A: The SELECT command is used to query or retrieve data from a database. It can be used to get data from one or multiple tables based on specified conditions.

Related Finance Terms

  • SQL (Structured Query Language)
  • CRUD Operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
  • Database Management Systems (DBMS)
  • Data Definition Language (DDL)
  • Transactional Control Language (TCL)

Sources for More Information


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