
Media Query


A media query is a technique used in CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to apply specific styling rules based on the characteristics of the user’s device or browser. These characteristics include screen size, resolution, and orientation, among others. Media queries help create responsive web designs that adapt to varying device types and display settings, ensuring a better user experience for a wide range of users.

Key Takeaways

  1. Media queries are a CSS technique used to adapt the style and layout of a website based on various device parameters, such as screen size, resolution, or device type.
  2. Using media queries, developers can create responsive and adaptive web designs that provide an optimal user experience for different device environments.
  3. Media queries are written inside the CSS file with the @media rule, followed by one or more targeting conditions, and the desired styling rules for matching devices.


Media Query is a crucial technology term in modern web development and design as it allows for the creation of adaptable and responsive websites.

With the growing variety of devices, screen sizes, and resolutions, it becomes vital for websites to adjust their layout and design accordingly for optimal user experience.

Media Queries, a feature of CSS3 (Cascading Style Sheets), make this possible by enabling developers to target specific device or browser characteristics and apply tailored styling accordingly.

This approach ensures that websites are user-friendly, visually appealing, and function seamlessly across various platforms, thus making the web environment more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.


Media queries play a critical role in the world of responsive web design, as they allow developers to create tailored experiences for users based on their specific device characteristics. The primary purpose of these queries is to have an adaptive and flexible approach to presenting content in an efficient and visually appealing manner, no matter the user’s screen size, resolution, or orientation.

By implementing media queries within stylesheets, developers can easily target specific devices or group of devices with CSS rules that respond to user’s preferences, providing an adaptable and optimized viewing experience. At the core of media queries lies the ability to create conditional styling rules based on the media properties, such as device type, screen width and height, pixel density, and many others.

For example, a developer may use media queries to change the layout, typography, images, or other design elements to fit the user’s device without requiring separate stylesheets or web pages for each scenario. As mobile, tablet, and various display sizes proliferate, media queries have become an essential tool in crafting responsive websites and applications, ensuring that users enjoy a seamless experience regardless of the device they are using to access the content.

Examples of Media Query

Media Queries are a feature in CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) that allow developers to apply different styles and layouts to their websites or applications based on various conditions such as screen size, device type, and orientation. Here are three real-world examples of the use of media queries:

Responsive Web Design: One of the most common uses of media queries is in creating responsive web designs. For example, a website might have a layout with multiple columns on a desktop screen, but when viewed on a smaller device (such as a tablet or smartphone), the layout changes to a single-column format to provide a better user experience. Media queries make it possible to define the point at which this change takes place and apply the appropriate styles based on the screen size or device type.

Device-specific Styles: Using media queries, developers can apply styles specifically tailored to different devices or device categories. For instance, a website may have a slightly different font size or color scheme when viewed on an iPhone compared to an Android device, or apply a unique style for print media. By targeting specific devices or features with media queries, developers can create a more customized and optimized user experience.

Orientation-based Styles: Media queries can also be used to apply different styles based on the orientation of the user’s device. For example, a tablet app or a photo gallery website may have a landscape layout with a larger image and captions on the side, while in portrait orientation, the image might be centered with the captions below. By using media queries to detect the device’s orientation, developers can create designs that best suit the available screen space and adjust the layout accordingly.

Media Query FAQ

What is a Media Query?

A media query is a technique in CSS that allows developers to apply styles and layouts to specific devices or screen sizes. It can be used to create responsive web designs that look and function well on multiple devices, like smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers.

How do I create a Media Query?

To create a media query, use the @media rule followed by the media type (such as “screen”) and the desired conditions enclosed in parentheses, like the screen’s maximum or minimum width. Then, add a set of CSS rules within curly braces {} that will be applied if the conditions are met. For example:

@media screen and (max-width: 768px) {
  body {
    background-color: lightblue;

Can I use multiple conditions in a Media Query?

Yes, you can use multiple conditions by combining them with “and,” “not,” or “only” keywords. For example, to apply CSS rules to screens with a width between 600px and 900px, you can write:

@media screen and (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 900px) {
  body {
    background-color: lightgreen;

Do all browsers support Media Queries?

Most modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, support media queries. However, some older versions of Internet Explorer (IE8 and below) might not support them. It is important to check browser compatibility and consider using feature detection or fallback options to ensure a consistent user experience across all devices and browsers.

What are some common use cases for Media Queries?

Media queries are often used for:

  • Changing typography (font size, line height, margins) based on the device or screen size
  • Adjusting layout (column width, padding) to ensure better readability on different devices
  • Enabling or disabling certain elements (e.g., hiding a sidebar on mobile devices)
  • Optimizing images and background visuals for various screen resolutions

Related Technology Terms

  • Responsive Web Design
  • CSS3
  • Breakpoints
  • Viewport
  • Device-sensitivity

Sources for More Information

  • W3C – The World Wide Web Consortium is the main international standards organization for the World Wide Web, making it a reliable source for information about Media Query.
  • Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) – MDN Web Docs is a valuable resource for developers, featuring detailed information about web technologies, including CSS, JavaScript, and Media Query.
  • Smashing Magazine – As an online magazine for professional web designers and developers, Smashing Magazine often publishes in-depth articles about web technologies, including Media Query.
  • SitePoint – SitePoint is another reputable resource for web developers, offering guides and articles related to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Media Query.

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