Data-Sending Trojan

Definition of Data-Sending Trojan

A Data-Sending Trojan is a specific type of malicious software (malware) that infiltrates a target computer system without user consent. Once installed, it collects sensitive or valuable data from the compromised system. The collected data is then transmitted to a remote server controlled by cybercriminals, often for the purpose of identity theft, financial gain, or espionage.


Here’s the phonetic breakdown of the keyword “Data-Sending Trojan”:- Data: /ˈdeɪ.tə/- Sending: /ˈsɛn.dɪŋ/- Trojan: /ˈtroʊ.dʒən/Put together, the phonetic pronunciation would be /ˈdeɪ.tə-ˈsɛn.dɪŋ ˈtroʊ.dʒən/.

Key Takeaways

  1. Data-Sending Trojans are malicious programs that infiltrate target systems to collect and send sensitive information to their operators, often compromising personal or business data.
  2. These Trojans spread through various methods such as social engineering, phishing emails, and malicious websites, making it crucial for users to practice safe browsing habits and be cautious of suspicious links and attachments.
  3. Implementing strong security measures, such as regularly updating software, installing antivirus solutions, and utilizing firewalls, can help protect systems from Data-Sending Trojans and minimize the risk of data breaches.

Importance of Data-Sending Trojan

The technology term “Data-Sending Trojan” is important because it represents a critical category of malicious software that compromises the integrity and security of computer systems and networks.

Operating stealthily, Data-Sending Trojans infiltrate the victim’s device without their knowledge, collecting sensitive information, such as personal and financial data, login credentials, and confidential files.

These Trojans can also be programmed to relay the stolen information to a remote server or attacker.

By understanding and recognizing the significance of Data-Sending Trojans in the cyber threat landscape, individuals and organizations can better protect themselves by implementing robust security measures, employing formidable antivirus solutions, and adopting best-practice cybersecurity habits.


Data-Sending Trojans are a type of malicious software specifically designed for the purpose of collecting, retrieving, and transmitting sensitive or valuable data from the targeted system without the user’s consent. They are often created and employed by cybercriminals who aim to monetize their victims’ private information or gain access to important systems. These Trojans are ingenious in the sense that they are typically very stealthy, being easily disguised within seemingly harmless files or links, which allows them to infiltrate the targeted computer system undetected.

Once installed and activated, Data-Sending Trojans work silently in the background by monitoring, copying, and subsequently sending data – such as login credentials, financial information, and other personal details – to a remote attacker or designated command and control server. Data-Sending Trojans are used by cybercriminals for a variety of objectives. One primary use is identity theft, where the attackers capitalize on the victim’s personal information to commit fraud or sell it in underground markets.

This purloined information can then be leveraged to gain unauthorized access to the victim’s financial, professional, or personal accounts. Additionally, Data-Sending Trojans can be utilized in corporate espionage, allowing criminals to pilfer organizations’ proprietary information, trade secrets, or intellectual property. In some cases, data collected from these Trojans may be used to facilitate other cybercrimes, such as spear-phishing attacks, or even to conduct blackmail or extortion schemes.

As a result, it is crucial for individuals and organizations to employ comprehensive cybersecurity measures to defend against the threats posed by Data-Sending Trojans and other forms of malicious software.

Examples of Data-Sending Trojan

A Data-Sending Trojan is a type of malicious software (malware) that, once installed on a user’s system, collects sensitive information and sends it back to the attacker. Here are three real-world examples of such Trojans:

ZeuS/Zbot Trojan: ZeuS, also known as Zbot, is a notorious data-sending Trojan that targets Windows operating systems. The primary goal of ZeuS is to steal banking and financial credentials from the infected computer. It has been highly successful in doing so, resulting in millions of dollars in damages worldwide. ZeuS is usually distributed through phishing emails or exploit kits that take advantage of software vulnerabilities to install the Trojan.

Emotet Trojan: Emotet is considered one of the most dangerous and versatile banking Trojans in existence. It first emerged in 2014 and has evolved significantly since then, incorporating features like spamming, credential stealing, and the ability to deliver additional malware payloads. Emotet primarily spreads through phishing emails containing malicious attachments or links, and it targets both individuals and organizations across various sectors.

SpyEye Trojan: SpyEye is a data-sending Trojan that, like ZeuS, primarily focuses on stealing financial information from its victims. SpyEye emerged in 2010 and was designed specifically to outcompete ZeuS. While the two Trojans are similar in many ways, SpyEye comes with its unique features, such as an advanced keylogging mechanism and the ability to steal users’ digital certificates. SpyEye is typically distributed through phishing campaigns and exploit kits, like ZeuS.

Data-Sending Trojan FAQ

What is a Data-Sending Trojan?

A Data-Sending Trojan is a type of malicious software (malware) that infiltrates a victim’s computer system, collects sensitive information, and sends it back to the attacker. This can include personal information, financial data, login credentials, and other valuable data.

How does a Data-Sending Trojan spread?

Data-Sending Trojans can spread through various methods, including email attachments, malicious websites, bundled software downloads, and social engineering attacks. Once installed on a victim’s computer, the Trojan collects and sends data to the attacker without the user’s knowledge or consent.

How can I protect my computer from a Data-Sending Trojan?

To minimize the risk of your computer being infected with a Data-Sending Trojan, follow these best practices:

  1. Keep your operating system and software up-to-date.
  2. Use a reliable antivirus software and scan your computer regularly.
  3. Be cautious when opening email attachments, especially from unknown senders.
  4. Do not click on suspicious links or download software from untrusted sources.
  5. Use strong, unique passwords for your online accounts and enable two-factor authentication whenever possible.

How can I remove a Data-Sending Trojan if my computer is infected?

If you suspect your computer is infected with a Data-Sending Trojan, follow these steps:

  1. Disconnect your computer from the internet to prevent further data leakage.
  2. Boot your computer in safe mode to disable the Trojan from running.
  3. Use a reliable antivirus software to scan your computer and remove the Trojan.
  4. Change the passwords of your online accounts and monitor for any suspicious activities.
  5. Consider consulting with a professional for additional assistance in securing your computer and personal data.

Related Technology Terms

  • Malware
  • Payload
  • Command and Control Server (C&C)
  • Network traffic monitoring
  • Antivirus software

Sources for More Information


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